

av福利社 Publication Awards

Honoring the most distinguished publications in architectural history, urban history, landscape history, preservation, and architectural exhibition catalogs.


av福利社 Award for Film and Video

Recognizes annually the most distinguished work of film or video on the history of the built environment.

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av福利社 Fellows

av福利社 Fellows have distinguished themselves by a lifetime of significant contributions to the field.


av福利社 | Places | Graham Foundation Prize

This award supports the production of innovative public scholarship on race and the history of the built environment.


av福利社 David B. Brownlee Dissertation Award

In honor of the distinguished career of David B. Brownlee, this award recognizes the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in the field of architectural history.


av福利社 Awards for Architectural Excellence

A unique coming together of architectural practice and academic study, honoring the contributions of individual projects to our built environment.