
We are pleased to share the tremendous success of the Pull Together campaign, which raised $37,000 in member gifts to the Society of Architectural Historians. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this amazing effort. These funds allow us to create and maintain high-quality programming and adapt creatively to a rapidly changing world.

The Pull Together campaign built on an earlier appeal from Richard Longstreth to av福利社 Fellows and current and former Officers—an effort that resulted in more than $34,000 in gifts from 38 donors. The av福利社 Development Committee then challenged av福利社 membership to pull together to match the generosity of the Fellows and Officers.

We offer special thanks to Richard Longstreth and the Bedford Family Trust for their visionary gifts and to an anonymous donor who matched $5,000 in donations from first-time and returning donors. In total, these efforts raised more than $70,000 for our activities.

If you haven’t yet donated to av福利社 and would like to do so, please consider making a gift today

Thank you to everyone who Pulled Together.

Jacob D. Albert
Louise T. Ambler
Anonymous (2)
Anonymous (In Memory of Jean-Louis Cohen)
Dijana O. Apostolski
Mardges Bacon
Shiben Banerji
Steven M. Bedford
Thomas Beischer
Edward R. Bosley
Suzanne Braley
David M. Breiner
Kenneth A. Breisch*
Helen H. Bronston
Ann and David Brownlee
Caroline Bruzelius
Wanda Bubriski (In Memory of Beverly Willis and Pauline Saliga)
James Buckley*
Maristella Casciato*
Douglas Chamberlain
Swati Chattopadhyay*
Amanda R. Clark (In Memory of Carol M. Roth and In Honor of Leland M. Roth)
Meredith Clausen*
Arthur Clement
Sheila Crane
James Dart
Soumya Dasgupta
Will Davis
Jamie Devol
Wim de Wit & Nancy J. Troy
Francesco P. Di Teodoro (In Memory of Alessio Monciatti)
Dennis P. Doordan (In Honor of John Stamper)
Annie Dowling
Yvonne Elet
Gabrielle Esperdy
Catherine Ettinger
Diane Favro & Fikret Yegul*
Gail Fenske*
Robert Ferguson
Sheila ffolliott

Stephen Fox
Alice T. Friedman*
Ashley Gardini
Leigh Gates
Mohammad Gharipour (In Memory of Pauline Saliga)
Michael J. Gibson*
John Gronkowski (In Memory of Pauline Saliga)
Suna Güven
Gunny Harboe
Kevin and Elaine Harrington (In Honor of Judith Holliday)
Dianne S. Harris*
Dolores Hayden*
Steven Hearst
James Hines
Alison Hoagland
Robyn Hoffman
Lynne Horiuchi*
Ann Huppert
Gregor Kalas
Michael King
Karen Kingsley*
Jeffrey E. Klee*
Karen R. Koehler
Francis Kowsky*
Henry H. Kuehn*
Barbara Lane
Min Kyung Lee
Ana María M. León
Richard Longstreth*
Catherine W. Lynn
Tod Marder
Anne L. Marshall
Christopher Mead
Maureen Meister
Jonathan Mekinda
Heather Minor (In Memory of Pauline Saliga)
Andrea Moneti (In Honor of Erik Hansen)
Keith N. Morgan*
Sarah Rogers Morris
Patricia A. Morton
Kevin D. Murphy
Steven Nelson*
Dietrich Neumann*
Joan Ockman*
Kathryn E. O'Rourke*
Ken Tadashi Oshima*
Anoma D. Pieris*
Elizabeth Pigou-Dennis
Virginia B. Price*
Patrick Quinn
Yolita Rausche
Robert B. Rettig*
Jennifer Reut
Cole Roskam
Valentina Rozas-Krause
Annemarie van Roessel
D. F. Ruggles
Vimalin Rujivacharaku
Lisa Schrenk
Abigail A. Van Slyck*
Nora Pat Small
Jacqueline Spafford
Robert A.M. Stern*
Damie Stillman*
Katherine F. Taylor
Ben Thomas
Robin Thomas
Brian Tichenor
Sharone Tomer
Alice Y. Tseng
Paul V. Turner*
Dell Upton*
Julia Walker (In Memory of Pauline Saliga)
Katherine Wheeler
Karen R. White
Danielle S. Willkens (In Memory of Candace Willkens)
Mabel O. Wilson*
Mary Woolever (In Memory of Pauline Saliga)
Xiangnan Xiong
Stathis Yeros
Victoria M. Young*


*Past Officers and/or Fellows who initiated the Pull Together campaign.