
Architectural History in the United States

Results from the av福利社 Data Project are summarized in the print and PDF book titled, Architectural History in the United States: Findings and Trends in Higher Education.

The primary data collection tools for this project were three online surveys that were developed over the course of a year in an iterative process and in consultation with av福利社 leadership, a dedicated Advisory Committee, av福利社 Affiliate Groups, students, faculty, and a wide variety of individuals with an interest in the field. The surveys were directed toward students, faculty, and institutions of higher education in the United States and collected data about five indicators of health in the field. The surveys were open from February to August 2020 and had 819 respondents who provided thousands of points of data.<.

The Society of Architectural Historians gratefully acknowledges the financial support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for underwriting this study..

To request a print copy of the av福利社 Data Project Report, please email us at info@sah.org.

av福利社 Data Project report cover