2013 av福利社 Annual Conference - av福利社 Chapters Report
Victoria Young, av福利社 Chapters Liaison, reports on the meeting with chapter representatives at the annual conference in Buffalo:
May 14, 2013
Victoria Young, Chapters Liaison
I had the pleasure of meeting with several representatives of our chapters at the annual conference in Buffalo. I'm always impressed by the great events that are going on across the nation because of the hard work of our chapters. There are symposia, lectures, tours, support for students to attend the national meeting, PechaKuchas, and more creating a buzz about our organization and the history of the built environment. Great work by all!
Here are a few items that came out of our discussion at the lunch meeting, as well as informal conversations throughout the week:
- If you have news about your chapter or yourself please share it with the national office (info@sah.org) and they'll get it onto the website. Also, don't forget about using the national in this same way.
- Getting students and young professionals involved in local chapter activities is a great way to grow our organization.
- As we gear up for our anniversary meeting in Chicago in 2015, chapters will be contacted prior to the meeting for a brief history. We'll compile these all and celebrate our chapters as part of the event.
- Several people mentioned that a bi-annual conference call for chapters, myself and a member of the national office would be a good thing. I'm looking into getting this set up!
- Chapters are reminded that they can contact the national office for any materials they might need for promotion of av福利社. There are new membership materials in the works so look for those coming soon.
- Victoria Young, Chapters Liaison