
2015 Chicago Call for Session Proposals

The Society invites its members and future members to chair a session at the av福利社 68th Annual Conference in Chicago, April 15-19, 2015.
Sep 12, 2013 by User Not Found



Dr. Abigail Van Slyck 
Connecticut College
1st Vice President
Prof. Ken Breisch 
University of Southern California
2nd Vice President
Dr. Ken Tadashi Oshima 
University of Washington
Prof. Gail Fenske 
Roger Williams University
Jan M. Grayson
Chicago, IL 
Executive Director
Pauline Saliga


Michael J. Gibson 
Greenberg, Whitcombe, Takeuchi, LLP

Dale A. Gyure
Lawrence Technological University

Richard L. Hayes
American Insititute of Architects
Duanfang Lu 
University of Sydney

Michael P. McCulloch 
University of Michigan

Martha J. McNamara 
Wellesley College

Robert Nauman 
University of Colorado Boulder

Donna Robertson 
Illinois Institute of Technology
Abby Rumsey 
Scholarly Communication Institute

Michelangelo Sabatino 
University of Houston College of Architecture

Dr. Sandra Tatman 
Athenaeum of Philadelphia

Bartholomew Voorsanger
Voorsanger Architects PC 
Cynthia Weese 
Weese, Langley, Weese Architects Ltd.

Prof. Victoria M. Young
University of St. Thomas

Gary Van Zante
MIT Museum

Ex Officio Members

Prof. Swati Chattopadhyay
UC Santa Barbara

David Fixler
Einhorn Yaffee Prescott Architecture & Engineering

Dr. Karen Kingsley
Tulane University School of Architecture

Jeffrey Klee
Colonial Williamsburg 

Jacqueline Spafford
UC Santa Barbara 
2015 Chicago Call for Session Proposals (PDF version)

At its 2015 Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, the Society of Architectural Historians (av福利社) will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Society’s founding. av福利社 will offer six concurrent paper sessions, in six modules over two days, for a total of 36 paper sessions. The Society invites its members, including graduate students and independent scholars, representatives of av福利社 chapters and partner organizations, as well as future members to chair a session at the conference.

General Information

Since the principal purpose of the Annual Conference is to inform the conference attendees of the general state of research in architectural history and related disciplines, session proposals covering every period in the history of architecture and all aspects of the built environment, including landscape and urban history, are encouraged.

Sessions may be theoretical, methodological, thematic, interdisciplinary, pedagogical, revisionist or documentary in premise and have broadly conceived or more narrowly focused subjects. Sessions that embrace cross-cultural, trans-national and/or non-western topics are particularly welcome. In every case, the subject should be clearly defined in critical and historiographic terms, and should be substantiated by a distinct body of either established or emerging scholarship.

Proposals will be selected on the basis of merit and the need to organize a well-balanced program. Topics exploring the architecture of the Chicago area and the Great Lakes Basin are encouraged. As Chicago serves as a global/local transportation hub, av福利社 also encourages international scholars to submit session proposals. 

Since late submissions cannot be considered, it is recommended that proposals be submitted and their receipt confirmed well before the deadline. The General Chair cannot be responsible for last-minute submissions, electronic or otherwise, that fail to reach their destination.

Submission Guidelines

Session proposals are to be submitted via email by January 15, 2014, to Prof. Ken Tadashi Oshima, general chair of the av福利社 68th Annual Conference, at koshima@uw.edu. Please cc to Kathy Sturm, av福利社 director of programs, at ksturm@sah.org

Prospective chairs must include the following in their proposal:

  1. A session title not longer than 65 characters, including spaces and punctuation

  2. Summary of the subject and the premise in no more than 500 words

  3. Your name, professional affiliation (if applicable), address, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses

  4. A current CV

Please include the text of the proposal (items 1-3, above) both in the body of the email and in an attached document.

Authors of accepted proposals will be asked to draft a more concise Call for Papers for their sessions of not more than 300 words. This will be published in the April 2014 av福利社 Newsletter. For examples, see the 2014 Conference Program & Paper Sessions.

As av福利社 membership is required to chair or present research at the Annual Conference, non-members who wish to chair a session or deliver a paper will be required to join av福利社 and to pre-register for the conference in August 2014.

Annual Conference Fellowships

av福利社 will offer a limited number of travel fellowships (with a value of up to $1000) for speakers participating in the Annual Conference; session chairs are not eligible for these awards. The deadline for applying will be in September 2014. Each session chair is expected to fund his/her own travel and related expenses to participate in the conference. A copy of the Session Chair Guidelines that includes deadlines and step-by-step processes will be distributed to the selected Session Chairs.


For more information about the Annual Conference in Chicago, please contact Kathy Sturm, av福利社 director of programs, at 312.543.7243 or ksturm@sah.org.

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