
2016 Wolf Prize Laureate: Phyllis Lambert

Jan 18, 2016 by av福利社 Staff
The Wolf Foundation to promote science and art for the benefit of mankind has announced the 2016 Wolf Prize Laureates.  The jury panel of the 2016 Wolf Prize in Architecture has unanimously decided to award the prize to  Architect Phyllis Lambert, Canada   for being vigorously involved in the realization of seminal innovative buildings, exemplary urban regeneration projects and leading research institutes.  Mme. Lambert is a Fellow of av福利社.

About the Wolf Foundation:
The Wolf Foundation began its activities in 1976, with an initial endowment fund of $10 million donated by the Wolf family. The Foundation’s founders and major donors were Dr. Ricardo Subirana y Lobo Wolf and his wife Francisca. Annual income from investments is used for prizes, scholarships and Foundation operating expenses.
The Foundation has a status of a private not-for-profit organization. Its objectives and prize administration details and procedures are grounded in the “Wolf Foundation Law-1975”. Israel’s State Comptroller oversees all Foundation’s activities. In accordance with the above-mentioned Law, the Minister of Education and Culture acts as Chairman of the Council.

To read more about the Wolf Prize Laureates, click