
Highlights from av福利社ARA: Amber N. Wiley

Oct 11, 2016 by Jacqueline Spafford and Jeffrey Klee, av福利社ARA Co-Editors
This is our first in a series on recent av福利社 award winners who have contributed new material to av福利社ARA. We begin with the photography of Amber Wiley, the inaugural winner of the H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship, which gives young scholars the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world to help enlarge their perspective on the built environment. During her travel year, Amber visited sites in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. This set of images is a selection from her time in Mexico, where she focused her attention on  and the ancient sites of the . The buildings Amber selected for av福利社ARA include both Maya temple complexes as well as contemporary civic buildings. The links above take you to Amber’s thoughtful blog entries on these and other sites. 

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1. Temple of Kukulkan, Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, 600-1200 C.E.. Left face of pyramid has been restored; right face remains unrestored.

2. Governor’s Palace, Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico, 700-1000 C.E.

3. Casa de los Montejo, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 1542-1549.

4. Claudio de Arciniega and Manuel Tolsá, Catedral Metropolitana de la Asuncion de Maria, Mexico City, Mexico, 1578-1813, restored 1990s.

5. Juan O’Gorman, Casa-Estudio Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo, Mexico City, Mexico, 1929-1931. Rivera house-studio in red; Kahlo house-studio in blue.

6. Alberto Kalach and Estudio Tax, Biblioteca Vasconcelos, Mexico City, Mexico, 2006.

7. David Chipperfield, Architects, Museo Jumex, Mexico City, Mexico, 2013.