Update your av福利社 Member Profile

Oct 12, 2016 by av福利社 News
av福利社 member profiles have the capacity to capture valuable information on the interests and professional expertise of av福利社 members. When you complete your profile information, your fellow members are able to find you in the av福利社 Directory by expertise, institution or location. Help us improve this important networking tool by updating your member profile today.

Updating your member profile is quick and easy. Here’s how:
  1. Login to the av福利社 website.
  2. Go to the av福利社 tab and click on Member Portal.
  3. Under My Profile, look for the link to edit your information and communication preferences.
  4. You may fill-in as much information as you desire; the more you complete, the easier you will be to find! You may also determine which emails you receive from av福利社.
  5. Save your information at the bottom of the page.
To search the av福利社 Member Directory, go to the Member Portal and select Search av福利社 Directory under My av福利社. Here, you may fill-in various search fields to view the profiles of fellow av福利社 members. 

The av福利社 Member Directory lists current and joint members, and is for the exclusive use of av福利社 members. 

If you need login assistance, please contact us at membership@sah.org.