Today we’d like to introduce you to Pauline Saliga.
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
When I was growing up I realized that I loved history but it was difficult for me to remember abstract dates and historical facts. I needed something concrete to tie history too. Then in college, when I started studying art and architectural history, I had an epiphany! Yes, I finally found the key to tying abstract dates and events together, artworks and architecture–which literally tell stories about both moments in history and personal moments of inspiration.
I pursued art and architectural history in college and graduate school, and I was fortunate enough to land curatorial jobs at both the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago and the Art Institute of Chicago. Then, after 18 years of organizing exhibitions, producing exhibition catalogs, and doing public outreach programs, I was offered the Executive Director’s position for the Society of Architectural Historians, an international membership organization dedicated to the study, interpretation, and conservation of architecture worldwide.