The Society of Architectural Historians is pleased to announce four new American Architecture and Landscape Field Trip grants for 2018–2019. av福利社 has awarded grants to support field trip programs administered by AIA Chicago, Glessner House, the San Antonio Conservation Society Foundation, and the Seattle Architecture Foundation. Descriptions of the field trip programs follow.
AIA Chicago
AIA Chicago’s Architects in Schools Field Trip will take place from October 2018 to June 2019. The field trip is the culminating session of the eight-week Architects in Schools (AIS) program, an initiative focused on bringing architecture professionals into classrooms to introduce Chicago Public Schools (CPS) middle school students to the field of architecture and to discuss the broader theme of architecture as community influencer and changemaker. Students will participate in a 90-minute walking tour of the Chicago Loop that pairs eight significant buildings with eight architectural themes to help students understand how the built environment impacts our lives. Students will also have the opportunity to visit a downtown design firm for a behind-the-scenes tour of an architectural workplace and meet with architects and other professionals working at the firm.
Glessner House
The Glessner House’s Time Travelers program will take place from September 2018 to June 2019 and will introduce 420 third-grade CPS students to ideas and concepts in architecture, design, and social history using Glessner House as a resource. The program aims to provide students with an opportunity to learn about building design and materials, encourage observation and analysis of buildings and furnishings, compare late 19th to early 20th-century life of the upper class residents of Chicago with their own lives today, and employ what they’ve learned through a variety of hands-on activities.
San Antonio Conservation Society Foundation
The San Antonio Conservation Society Foundation will present its Heritage Education Tours in November 2018. Established in 1960 as a cost-free field trip opportunity, the tours serve over 2,000 fourth-grade students from Bexar County Elementary Schools. Sites to be visited will include the Alamo, Mission Concepi峤筺, Mission San José, Mission San Juan, Casa Navarro State Historic Site, the Spanish Governor’s Palace, the Steves Homestead House Museum, and the Yturri-Edmunds Historic Site.
Seattle Architecture Foundation
From October 2018 to August 2019 the Seattle Architecture Foundation (SAF) will host Designing Seattle, a program for youths who reside in Seattle and surrounding communities. Through architectural walking tours and hands-on model building workshops, students will discover the elements that make a successful city. Tour leaders and students will discuss urban planning and local history while visiting Seattle’s oldest neighborhood, Pioneer Square, and students will participate in workshops that that address social issues such as affordable housing, adaptive reuse, eco-friendly building design, and urban gardening.
av福利社 reviews applications for American Architecture and Landscape Field Trip grants on a rolling basis. The submission deadlines are June 1 and December 1. Visit for more information.