The Society of Architectural Historians is pleased to announce the 2020 class of av福利社 Fellows, comprised of individuals who have distinguished themselves by a lifetime of significant contributions to the field of architectural history. These contributions may include scholarship, service to av福利社, teaching and stewardship of the built environment. The Fellows will be inducted at the Society’s 73rd Annual International Conference Awards Ceremony in Seattle.
The 2020 Fellows of the Society of Architectural Historians are listed below.
Alice T. Friedman
Alice T. Friedman is the Grace Slack McNeil Professor of American Art at Wellesley College. She is the author of three books highlighting the relationship among gender, sexuality, architecture, and design, including House and Household in Elizabethan England: Wollaton Hall and the Willoughby Family (University of Chicago Press, 1989), Women and the Making of the Modern House: A Social and Architectural History (Abrams, 1998; Yale paperback 2007) and American Glamour and the Evolution of Modern Architecture (Yale, 2010).
Friedman’s numerous grants and awards include fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, the ACLS, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Arcus-Places Prize for Scholarship on Gender, Sexuality and the Built Environment (2014). In 1990–92, she was a Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute, and in 2004–05 she participated in a year-long seminar on the built environment at the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History at Harvard. Last Spring, she served as Rea S. Hederman Critic in Residence at the American Academy in Rome.
Trained as a Renaissance historian, Friedman has utilized the interdisciplinary, feminist methodology developed by scholars in that field to shape her research on U.S. and Modern architecture. She has published articles on individual and corporate patronage, and on Midcentury Modern sculpture and installation. In 2015, she co-edited a special issue of Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture on "Spaces of Faith" which included her article on Richard Lippold’s collaborations with John Cage. Recent publications, including “Max Ewing’s Closet and Queer Architectural History” (Platform, October 2019), highlight the role of queer and gender-non-conforming clients in creating alternative living spaces in European and American cities and suburbs. Friedman’s current book project explores the typology of 20th- and 21st-century “poker-faced” houses, living spaces which—though often modern in plan, section and program—use a variety of design strategies to conceal more than they reveal.
Friedman has been a member of av福利社 since 1975. She has served on the av福利社 Board of Directors (1990–1993), as well as the av福利社 Nominating Committee (1991–1992) and the Spiro Kostof Book Award Committee (2010). In 2010 she delivered the Plenary Talk at the av福利社 68th Annual International Conference in Chicago, "A Sense of the Past," which was published in the December 2010 issue of Jav福利社.
In addition to writing numerous Jav福利社 book reviews between 1979 and 2014, Friedman has published groundbreaking articles in the Journal including “Frank Lloyd Wright and Feminism: Mamah Borthwick’s Letters to Ellen Key” (June 2002) and “The Way You Do The Things You Do: Writing the History of Houses and Housing” (September 1999).
Mary McLeod
Mary McLeod is a professor of architecture at Columbia University, where she teaches architecture history and theory. She has also taught at Yale University, Harvard University, University of Kentucky, University of Miami, and the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies. She received her B.A., M.Arch., and Ph.D. from Princeton University. Her research and publications have focused on the history of the modern movement and on contemporary architecture theory, examining issues concerning the connections between architecture and politics. She is co-editor of Architecture, Criticism, Ideology and Architecture Reproduction, and is the editor of and contributor to the book Charlotte Perriand: An Art of Living (Abrams, 2003). She also initiated and helped curate the exhibition Charlotte Perriand: Interior Equipment, held at the Urban Center in New York. Presently, she is co-editing a website for the Beverly Willis Architectural Foundation on pioneering American women architects. Her articles and book reviews have appeared in journals, including Assemblage, Oppositions, Art Journal, AA Files, Jav福利社, Casabella, Art Journal, Harvard Design Magazine, Lotus, and Journal of Architecture and books, such as Complexity and Contradiction at Fifty, Food and the City, Walls of Color, Architecture School, The Sex of Architecture, Architecture in Fashion, Architecture of the Everyday, Architecture and Feminism, The Pragmatist Imagination, The State of Architecture, Fragments: Architecture and the Unfinished, Architecture Theory since 1968, Oppositions Reader, Le Parole dell’Architettura, Modern Women: Women Artists at The Museum of Modern Art, and Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscapes. She has received several fellowships and awards, including a Fulbright Fellowship, NEH award, Arnold W. Brunner award, as well as grants from New York Council of the Arts and the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts.
McLeod has been a member of av福利社 since 1984. She has served on the av福利社 Board of Directors (1994–1997) and the av福利社 Nominating Committees (1986–1987 and 1987–1988) and has presented papers at numerous av福利社 annual conference over the years.
Leland M. Roth
Born in 1943 in Harbor Beach, Michigan, Roth spent more than a half-century teaching the history of architecture. While studying architectural design at the University of Illinois (1961–1966) he also studied the history of architecture with such eminent historians as Alan K. Laing (a founder of av福利社), Ernest A. Connally (first director of the National Park Service’s Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation), and Hermann J. G. Pundt. After his fifth undergraduate year, he taught the concluding class in modern architectural history.
At Yale University, he studied primarily with the late Vincent Scully, earning a M. Phil. (1971) and a Ph.D. in 1973, then taught art history at the Ohio State University before moving to Northwestern University (1973–1978) where he taught modern architectural history. In 1978 he was chosen to replace the retiring Marion Dean Ross at the University of Oregon and became full professor in 1991. Upon the receipt of Ross’s substantial bequest to Oregon’s History of Art and Architectural Department in 1992, Roth was designated the Marion Dean Ross Distinguished Professor and joined various other faculty to create the University’s Graduate Program in Historic Preservation. In addition to continuing the full range of courses in modern, post-Baroque architecture formerly taught by Prof. Ross, Roth picked up Ross’s more specialized course on the architecture of Oregon and also introduced a course covering the architecture of Native North Americans from pre-contact times to the start of the twentieth century.
Roth became well known throughout the architectural history and American studies world through his many books, including the re-issue of A Monograph of the Work of McKim, Mead & White, 1879–1915 (four volumes in one, with new material by Roth and produced by several successive publishers, 1973, 1977, and 2018); The Architecture of McKim, Mead & White, 1870–1920: A Building List (New York: Garland, 1978); A Concise History of American Architecture (New York: Harper & Row, 1979); followed by America Builds: Source Documents in American Architecture and Planning (New York: Harper & Row, 1983). Roth returned to his principal focus, producing the comprehensive McKim, Mead & White, Architects (New York: Harper & Row, 1983). Books that followed include Understanding Architecture: Its Elements, History and Meaning (New York: HarperCollins, 1993), reissued in greatly enlarged new editions in 2007, and in 2014 with co-author Amanda C.R. Clark, and translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and Turkish; a fourth edition is underway. He rewrote and enlarged his Concise History to become his American Architecture: A History (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2001), reissued in a new edition in 2015 with coauthor Amanda C.R. Clark.
Roth has published many scholarly journal articles, among them “Three Industrial Towns by McKim, Mead & White,” which won av福利社’s 1980 Founders’ Award. A member of av福利社 since 1970, Roth has served as a Board Member of av福利社 (1978–81) and delivered numerous papers at av福利社 annual conferences. He taught in the annual Preservation Field School offered by the UO School of Architecture and Allied Arts (now the College of Design), from the program’s beginning in 1995 until partial retirement in 2010. He continued to teach a reduced schedule of his favorite courses through 2014. Presently, he and his daughter, Amanda Clark, are collaborating to research and write the Oregon building entries for av福利社 Archipedia.
Paul V. Turner
Paul V. Turner, born in 1939 in Schenectady, New York, worked for a local architectural firm while in high school. He then went to the University of Cincinnati's architecture school, but after a year realized that his main interest was architectural history, and transferred to Union College, where he was able to fashion a major in preparation for graduate work in the subject. As a graduate student at Harvard, he studied mainly with James Ackerman and Eduard Sekler. He received his M.Arch degree from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design in 1969 and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1971. His doctoral dissertation, The Education of Le Corbusier, was an analysis of Le Corbusier's early intellectual development, based on his examination in 1969 of the architect's personal library at the newly-established Fondation Le Corbusier in Paris.
In 1971 Turner joined the art history faculty at Stanford University, where for 35 years he taught a broad range of architectural history courses and advised graduate students. His research has dealt with various topics in 18th- to 20th-century French and American architecture. He is the author of several books, including Campus, An American Planning Tradition (1984), the first study of the development of American campus design and the winner of the 1984 Hitchcock Book Award from the Society of Architectural Historians, and Joseph Ramée, International Architect of the Revolutionary Era (1996), a reconstruction of the life and career of the itinerant French architect Joseph Ramée.
Frank Lloyd Wright has been an abiding interest for Turner. Following the 1989 earthquake damage to Wright's Hanna House at Stanford, he chaired a committee that oversaw the lengthy process of its restoration. His investigation of Wright's many designs for the Bay Area resulted in the book Frank Lloyd Wright and San Francisco (2016). And he is now working on a project to reconstruct Wright's largely dispersed library, with essays on the importance of books and of reading to Wright.
Turner joined av福利社 in 1971 and became a Benefactor member in 2011. He has been very involved with the organization throughout the years, serving on the av福利社 Board of Directors (1991–1994), the av福利社 Nominating Committees (1990–1991 and 2004–2005) and the Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award Committee (2001–2002). In 2013 he served as the vice president of the Northern California Chapter of av福利社. He has participated in many av福利社 conferences and was a member of the Local Advisory Committee for the 1987 annual meeting in San Francisco.