
Executive Director Search Committee - June Update

Jun 22, 2022 by Patricia Morton and Abby Van Slyck

Dear fellow av福利社 members,

Since we wrote last, the Executive Director Search Committee has been moving forward on a number of fronts, chief of which has been interviewing search consultants. We are very pleased to announce that we have engaged Isaacson-Miller (IM) to serve in this role. IM has deep experience working with membership organizations to recruit talented executive directors, and we are particularly impressed with , the IM partner assigned to our search. He is an exceptionally good listener, which makes him a stellar partner in this important endeavor. Already we are reaping the benefits of his expertise. 

As we work with IM to plan each step of the process, we have had to adjust our original timeline by several weeks. We now anticipate interviewing finalists in mid-November and can imagine a likely start date for our new executive director in January 2023. Fortunately, Pauline Saliga has agreed to delay her departure date as well, thus minimizing disruption to the smooth operation of the Society. Our heartfelt thanks go out to Pauline for her unwavering commitment to av福利社.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please write to us at av福利社EDSearch@sah.org.  

Patricia Morton and Abby Van Slyck
Executive Director Search Committee Co-chairs