
av福利社 grants you access to exclusive resources and programs and provides support for new research and programs. Compare benefits across all our membership levels and choose the membership level that works for you.


Every Member Receives

  • A yearlong subscription to the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (Jav福利社). Choose from digital access only or a combined print and digital subscription. 
  • On-demand access to the complete Jav福利社 Archive (1941–present)
  • Member rates for registration to av福利社’s Annual International Conference
  • AIA CES credits earned through conferences and study tours
  • Eligibility to apply for av福利社 grants and fellowships
  • Access to members-only lectures, virtual meetups, and more
  • Connection to peers through 12 topic-focused av福利社 Affiliate Groups
  • Access to more than 200,000 images of the built environment through the av福利社ARA database
  • Access to av福利社 Commons online scholarly network
  • Discount of 50% on JSTOR access with JPASS
  • Eligibility to serve on the av福利社 Board or committees
  • Subscription to the av福利社 Newsletter and Opportunities Weekly Roundup

av福利社 Levels

av福利社 Member

Our most popular membership tier offers optimized pricing to help everyone participate affordably in our community.  Emerging scholars can apply for a one-year membership grant that helps bridge the gap between the Society's subsidized student memberships and full-cost av福利社 memberships.

RateDescriptionPrice: DigitalPrice: Digital + Print
Individual12-month benefits for one person$163$173
Joint12-month benefits for two people (domestic partners). Each person receives a unique member ID and their own login to the member portal.$233$243
Retired/EmeritusDiscounted individual membership for former professionals on a fixed income$98$108
ReducedDiscounted individual membership for people working independently or at an institution without full-time employment. This includes adjunct and contingent faculty unemployed workers.$98$108
StudentDiscounted individual membership for students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in architectural history or related disciplines.$60$70
Professional AssociateDiscounted individual memberships for groups of professionals working in the same museum, office, or firm. Ideal for architects, research or preservation groups, museum staff, and public design education.

$179 for first member + $103 for each additional member at the same institution



Upper-Level Member

Show your support for av福利社’s mission by including a tax-deductible donation along with your Individual or Joint print + digital membership. Upper-level members receive all the benefits of a regular membership plus:

  • Discount on registration for av福利社 Annual Conference, rates given below.
  • Acknowledgement in four quarterly issues of Jav福利社, the annual report, and quarterly donor reports
  • av福利社 to Frank Lloyd Wright National Reciprocal Sites Program, with which our headquarters, the Charnley-Persky House is affiliated.
  • Early registration access for av福利社 Study and Excursion tours
TierDonationPrice with Individual av福利社Price with Joint av福利社Discount on Annual Conference Registration



Life and Benefactor Member

Show your long-term commitment to av福利社 by becoming a Life member. Life members’ dues provide unrestricted funds to support the Society’s mission and continued opportunities for all members. Lock in your price and enjoy the most comprehensive suite of member benefits without the need to renew each year.

Life members receive these additional benefits:

  • Acknowledgement in Jav福利社, annual report, and quarterly donor reports
  • av福利社 to Frank Lloyd Wright National Reciprocal Sites Program, with which our headquarters, the Charnley-Persky House is affiliated.
  • Early registration access for av福利社 Study and Excursion tours
  • Specialty membership card
  • Free tour of av福利社's historic headquarters at the Charnley-Persky House in Chicago, IL
  • One complimentary walking tour during av福利社 Annual Conference, reserved in advance, on a space-available basis.
  • Free copy of an av福利社 Buildings of the United States book of your choice

Current Life Members can enhance their commitment to av福利社 by becoming a Benefactor through a $5,000 tax-deductible donation. 

TierPriceDonation Total
Life $5,000 (one payment or four annual payments of $1,250)None *
Benefactor$10,000 $5,000

* Life memberships are amortized over a period of 20 years and pay for annual benefits. There is no tax-deductible portion associated with Life membership.

President's Circle

av福利社 is immensely grateful to the many Life and Benefactor Members who continue to support the Society financially year after year. President’s Circle status recognizes the ongoing commitment these members show.

President’s Circle status is an annual distinction given to all Life and Benefactor members who make gifts to the Society of Architectural Historians totaling $1,000 or more during a given 12-month period. The status is applied to a donor as soon as they have achieved $1,000 in gifts within a single calendar year. The status is valid for 12 months from that date, and the date shall serve as an anniversary by which to renew their President's Circle status with one or more gifts totaling $1,000.

President's Circle members receive special benefits as thanks for their support:

  • 10% discount on member-rate conference registration
  • Recognition from the podium at av福利社 Celebrates annual gala

Limited-Access Affiliate

Affiliate membership permits an individual to participate in the activities of one or more av福利社 Affiliate Groups and the av福利社 Commons online scholarly network, without access to any other av福利社 benefits such as Jav福利社 or discounted registration for conferences. Price is $25 per year.


Institutional Subscription

Institutional membership provides a subscription to Jav福利社 and/or Jav福利社 Online for communities of readers at public and academic libraries, museums, schools of architecture, architectural history departments, and other large institutions. Institutional subscribers receive the av福利社 Newsletter, qualify for discounted Career Center job ads, and member-rate registration for two library staff attending the av福利社 Annual International Conference.

The University of California Press handles institutional subscriptions on av福利社's behalf. Visit the  to join or renew your Institutional subscription.

Subscription Type Price per YearAdditional Benefits
Digital Only $693 
Print + Digital - Domestic $781 
Print + Digital - International $807 
Sustaining $881
  • Extra print copy of the journal (total 2)
  • Recognition in the Journal as a Sustaining institution



Affiliate Groups

av福利社 Affiliate Groups are comprised of av福利社 members who share a common, narrowly defined interest, scholarly or otherwise. Participation in Affiliate Group activities is a benefit of av福利社 membership.

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av福利社 Chapters

av福利社 has chapters located across the United States. Chapters are independently run organizations that are affiliated with av福利社. av福利社 members can join chapters in their region.

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Member Stories

Member Stories: Krista Reimer

Jan 12, 2024 by av福利社 News
Krista Reimer, a woman with long brown hair and glasses

Krista Reimer practices landscape architecture full-time and is a part-time sessional lecturer in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. She lives in Philadelphia and has been a member of av福利社 since early 2023.

Can you tell us about your career path?

I began my post-secondary education in pure mathematics at the University of Manitoba and initially intended to become an academic mathematician. Along that trajectory, while completing a mathematics master’s degree at McGill University, I started to crave a materiality to my work as well as an endeavor that was more readily shared with others; mathematical work, while rewarding and enjoyable, quickly became esoteric.

When looking for gardening positions to take on while I figured out my next direction, I stumbled across the field of landscape architecture. I was excited to realize that through garden architecture, which is how I prefer to conceptualize the field, I could continue two significant aspects of mathematical work I was reluctant to give up. The first was my interest in formal and geometric ideas. The second was involvement in a practice for which one of the fundamental pursuits is the development of models which we use to make sense of and inhabit the world. I am very interested in gardens’ function as models, or in other words as compressed microcosms encapsulating and giving form to political, religious, or philosophical ideas. I went through the Master of Landscape Architecture program at the University of Pennsylvania, and have been practicing since for offices in New York and Philadelphia. I currently work at the multidisciplinary design firm WRT in Philadelphia. The last several years I have also been teaching elective seminars to landscape architecture and architecture master’s students at the University of Pennsylvania, and to the extent possible, I keep up research on the side.


What interests you most about landscape history?

Knowing landscape history gives me context for my professional work. I see increasing this knowledge both as an obligation for responsible practice as well as enriching my creative practice. In terms of responsibility, every increase in my knowledge of landscape history enables me to better situate contemporary ideas, understand the values they embody, and to evaluate them for my own use. In terms of creativity, knowing history loosens the mind, and I see it as a vital way into imagining beyond the hegemony of today’s norms.


What projects are you currently working on?

In practice, I am managing a preservation effort for a neglected but significant regional garden that is starting to get attention again after decades of being overlooked. I am also involved with our office’s work renovating one of Philadelphia’s large early 20th-century parks. In my personal research, which is practice oriented, I am studying the history of ideas around metamorphosis and the grotesque in garden design and kin disciplines such as architecture, film, and literature. This is a recent focus within my ongoing interest in how notions of mutation and evolution are perceived, employed, and positioned in garden design to hold ideas about our societal transformations, (in)stabilities, and multiplicities.


What is your biggest challenge at this point in your career?

Balancing efforts to grow in both the professional and academic aspects of my career. I consider myself very lucky to be able to simultaneously pursue both, but time, as we all know, is limited.


How did you become involved with av福利社?

I was looking for a larger disciplinary community to become active in. As a part-time lecturer and someone invested in my own research, I felt the need for a relatively academic community but also didn’t want to feel like an outsider as someone who isn’t a full-time academic. So, I was delighted when I read that, “Anyone with an interest in the history of the built environment and its role in shaping contemporary life is welcome to join the Society of Architectural Historians.” Shortly thereafter, I saw the posting for the Contingent Faculty Committee, and I was really encouraged by this. I saw that av福利社 was not only open to me as a member, but they are also conscientious about their members in positions similar to mine.


Tell us about your work on the av福利社 Contingent Faculty Committee.

As a newly formed committee, our first work is to understand the breadth of contingent faculty membership in av福利社 as a basis for understanding how to support this subset of the members. Those of us on the committee all occupy “contingency” in very different ways. Recognizing this, we realized we needed to make sure we weren’t operating from any assumptions about what contingency meant for members. In addition to building our understanding of who the members the committee is in support of, we are also recognizing the need to create visibility for this portion of the membership and thinking about ways to do this.


Do you have a vision for how av福利社 should evolve in the future?

As a relatively new member, it would be imprudent for me to have a vision per se. For now, I am encouraged by av福利社’s attention to their contingent faculty members, and I hope it continues in that direction. One thing I have noticed is that while continuing education credits are available for licensed architects at the annual conference, they are not available for licensed landscape architects. Expanding the continuing education credits to landscape architecture would be a great way to make active society membership more feasible to practitioners.


What advice would you give to someone who wants to enter your field?

Remain curious, focus on nurturing your creativity and work experience, build a humble confidence, and surround yourself with others who are committed to the same.

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av福利社 Grants

Emerging scholars can apply for a one-year membership grant that helps bridge the gap between the Society's subsidized student memberships and full-cost av福利社 memberships.

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Contact Us

Anne Hill Bird
Director of av福利社
