The Society of Architectural Historians (av福利社) presents av福利社 CONNECTS, a year-round series of virtual programs related to the history of the built environment. av福利社 CONNECTS provides a platform for the av福利社 community to collaborate, share their work, engage in timely discussions, and reach worldwide audiences. We welcome proposals that reflect the diversity of the field of architectural history, including landscape history, urban history, heritage studies, and aspects of social justice as related to architecture. We encourage proposals from scholars whose self-identification or work represents previously under-recognized and/or unsupported directions for architectural history as researched, thought, or applied.
You do not need to be a member to submit a proposal, but organizers will be required to join av福利社 if their proposal is selected. Panelists do not need to be members of av福利社.
Program Format
- av福利社 CONNECTS programs may be discussions, panels, roundtables, or workshops. They should not mimic the form and content of an av福利社 conference paper session. Book talks will not be considered.
- All programs take place on Zoom and are conducted in English.
- All programs are recorded, and videos are made available to registrants and the public through the
- Registration is always free and open to the public.
- Programs are typically 1–1.5 hours.
- For panel discussions, we recommend a maximum of five panelists with presentations of 5–7 minutes each, followed by 30–45 minutes of audience Q&A and discussion.
- The portal for av福利社 CONNECTS programs is always open, and you may submit a proposal at any time.
- Proposals submitted are evaluated monthly by the av福利社 CONNECTS Advisory Committee. After the first day of the month review begins on all proposals submitted during the previous month. (In this way, all proposals submitted in January will be reviewed after the first of February.) Applicants will be notified about the status of their proposal within four weeks of the committee receiving the proposal for review.
- The av福利社 Connects Programming and Advisory Committee is unable to accept the same proposal more than once in a one-year period.
- No programs will be scheduled in April, May, or September.
- When scheduling your event, please keep in mind that programs should ideally have at least four weeks of lead time for promotion and implementation.
Commitments if your proposal is selected:
If your submission is selected, you are committed to moderating the program, recruiting a diverse group of panelists/speakers, writing a program description, collecting short bios and headshots from all panelists/speakers, and overseeing the format you have chosen. If you will not serve as a moderator, you are responsible for recruiting an appropriate person to do it. All program moderators/panelists will be asked to sign a recording consent form.
Submission Guidelines
Program submissions must include the following elements:
- A program title not longer than 65 characters, including spaces and punctuation
- Summary of the subject and the premise in no less than 200 words and no more than 500 words; list of proposed panelists; and suggested format for the event.
- Name, professional affiliation (if applicable), address, telephone, and email address
- A current CV (2 pages maximum)
- Same information in #3 and #4 for co-moderator, if applicable
Only proposals submitted through the av福利社 website portal will be considered. Proposals will be reviewed by the av福利社 CONNECTS Programming and Advisory Committee.
For more information, please contact av福利社 Director of Programs Christopher Kirbabas at ckirbabas@sah.org.