
Call for Papers av福利社 Panel at the 2010 CAA Conference

This panel will explore the relationship between paintings and buildings. Art and architecture are often closely aligned in the creative mind. American Plains Indians used the surfaces of teepees as canvases upon which to paint, thus fusing the pictorial and the architectural. Wall paintings were used in antiquity, as at Pompeii, to give greater meaning to interior spaces, just as contemporary murals shape the urban environment. From Michelangelo Buonarotti to Thomas Cole, a long train of creative individuals have practiced in both fields.
Jun 29, 2012 by User Not Found

Recent scholarship has employed a variety of methodologies to examine the affinity between art and architecture.  The emphasis of this session will be on exploring further methodological strategies, thus submissions that are theoretical in nature are especially encouraged.  Papers may address any aspect of the relationship between art and architecture and can draw from any chronological period or geography.

Session chair: Julia A. Sienkewicz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; mail to: Julia Sienkewicz, 307 South New Street, Champaign, IL 61820 PLEASE NOTE: e-mail submissions are encouraged, julia.sienkewicz@gmail.com.

Guidelines for Paper Proposals:Proposals must be received by May 8, 2009 via e-mail or postal mail and include:1. Completed session participation proposal form, downloaded from 2. Preliminary abstract of one or two double-spaced, typed pages.3. Letter explaining speaker's interest, expertise in the topic, and CAA membership status.4. CV with home and office mailing addresses, email address, and contact information valid for the summer months of 2009.6. A stamped, self-addressed postcard for conformation that proposal has been received (if submitting your proposal by postal mail).

Please visit the College Art Association web-site for full proposal submission guidelines and materials: