Guidelines for the Promotion and Tenure of Architectural Historians
av福利社 has just released a new set of guidelines for promotion and tenure committees.
Jun 29, 2012
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The document, Guidelines for the Promotion and Tenure of Architectural Historians, which was written by a committee of tenured and non-tenured faculty members and has been approved by the av福利社 Board, is intended as a well-considered set of recommendations for best-practices with regard to promotion and tenure of architectural historians who teach in professional schools of architecture.
It derives from recognition that the role of architectural historians in professional schools of architecture has not always been well defined, and from the emergence of new forms of scholarly publication that now complicate understandings of what constitutes scholarly production. Acknowledging that professional schools vary in size, structure, and funding levels, the document emphasizes transparency of expectations and the necessity for clear communication between administrators and faculty. It is also intended to clarify the significance of both traditional and digital forms of scholarly publication in architectural history and related fields such as historic preservation, urban history, and landscape history.