
Subscribe to ACLS Humanities E-Book

ACLS Humanities E-Book is offering individual subscriptions to its digital collection of over 3,300 full-text, cross-searchable titles in the Humanities to members of any one of the 70 constituent societies of the American Council of Learned Societies, including the Society of Architectural Historians.
Jun 29, 2012 by User Not Found

For just $35, receive 12 months of access to "One of the best-if not the best-electronically accessible sites in the humanities," (Institute of Historical Research, London). Titles range from the 1880s through the present and have been selected for their continuing importance to students and scholars.

Areas currently include: African, American, Asian, Latin American, Canadian, Caribbean, European (Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern), Middle Eastern, World/Comparative, Byzantine/Mediterranean, and Australasian/Oceanian history, plus Women's Studies, Jewish Studies, history of the Native Peoples of the Americas and of Science and Technology. Recently added fields include archaeology, art & architectural history, dance & performance history, film & media studies, folklore, religion, musicology, and political science. 

To subscribe, simply click on the HEB logo on this page or visit .    Then choose av福利社 as the society to which you belong and indicate your membership number in the online purchase form. For inquiries about HEB, please e-mail subscriptions@hebook.org