av福利社 inaugurated the Awards for Architectural Excellence and raised $65,000 to support its ongoing mission.
Dec 18, 2012
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In 2012, av福利社 initiated three new awards to honor the outstanding work in the architectural community. On November 10th, av福利社 held an Awards Gala in Chicago’s historic Gold Coast, coinciding with the 120th anniversary of av福利社’s headquarters, the Charnley-Persky House. Close to 200 guests enjoyed wine and hors d’oeuvres as Abby Van Slyck, av福利社 President, and Pauline Saliga, av福利社 Executive Director, presented the Inaugural Awards for Architectural Excellence. The evening represented a unique coming together of both the architectural and academic communities to honor these outstanding members for their work.
The Award for Design, Planning and Sustainability was presented to Philip J. Enquist, FAIA, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, LLP for his plan for the Great Lakes.
John Eifler, FAIA of Eifler and Associates Architects received the Award for Architectural Conservation for his work on the Charnley-Persky House, and a number of Frank Lloyd Wright structures.
Awards for Excellence in Architectural Media went to Gwendolyn Wright, Professor at Columbia University and host of The History Detectives, PBS, for her dedication to bringing architectural history to the public, and to Geoffrey Baer of WTTW-Chicago for his work on local architectural history, including his upcoming series, Ten Buildings that Changed America.
The Awards Gala was hosted by Co-Chairs Cynthia Weese, FAIA and Benjamin Weese, FAIA of Weese Langley Weese Architects, Aric Lasher, AIA of HBRA Architects, Linda Searl, FAIA of Searl Lamaster Howe Architects and Joseph Valerio, FAIA of Valerio Dewalt Train Associates.
Major sponsors included Cynthia and Benjamin Weese, Peter Krehbiel, The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, HBRA Architects, Seymour H. Persky, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, LLP, and Vincent Buonanno. In addition, av福利社 received broad support from many members who were unable to attend. Over $65,000 was raised to support av福利社’s mission. Thank you to all who supported, and participated in this wonderful event.
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