
Pecha Kucha Night Buffalo - Call for Speakers

Participate in av福利社's Pecha Kucha at the Buffalo Conference
Jan 10, 2013 by User Not Found

Hosted by the av福利社 and PK Buffalo
April 12, 2013
Asbury Hall, Buffalo, NY

av福利社 will host our second PechaKucha on Friday, April 12 at the 66th Annual Conference, in collaboration with .  PechaKucha is a fast-paced presentation style, where presenters discuss 20 slides for 20 seconds each. The talks range from reflections on current discourse in architecture and design to personal experiences - anything that inspires or speaks to your creativity.

This is an opportunity for conference attendees and members of the Buffalo design community will come together to share their experiences and learn from one another.

If you are interested in presenting at the PechaKucha, please send your presentation idea in 300 words or less by February 1, 2013 to amarkiewicz@sah.org. We will notify those who have been chosen to present on February 10, 2013. Presenters must be av福利社 Conference attendees. For questions, please contact Alexandra Markiewicz at 312.573.1365 or amarkiewicz@sah.org.


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