
NEW for 2013: av福利社-Mellon Author Awards

Jan 16, 2013 by User Not Found
We are pleased to announce av福利社 has been awarded a one-year grant of $51,330 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to fund subventions to emerging authors who are publishing monographs on the history of the built environment. These subventions, which will be awarded in 2013, are intended to help mitigate the high cost of image acquisition, licensing and reproduction fees for print, electronic and online publications about the history of architecture, landscapes, urbanism, preservation and related fields.  Although applications will be jointly submitted by publishers and authors, grants will be given directly to emerging authors (those within six years of completion of a PhD). Author applicants must be current members of av福利社. A similar subvention program for emerging authors working on the history of the visual arts has been funded by the Mellon Foundation and will be offered through the College Art Association in 2013.

Details about the av福利社-Mellon Author Awards will be announced in the March 2013 av福利社 Newsletter.  For information about the CAA-Mellon awards, visit   

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