av福利社 has made a donation of hundreds of back issues of Jav福利社 to The Bridge to Asia Foundation, which sends 500,000 books to 1000 universities in the People鈥檚 Republic of China every year.
For the past 22 years, the Foundation has been sending textbooks, journals, and books to be distributed to institutions of higher learning suffering from a serious lack of resources. According to The Bridge to Asia Foundation President, Jeffrey A. Smith, Ed. D., “Needs are urgent - even premier schools lack adequate collections.”
In 2009, av福利社 donated approximately 5600 copies of Jav福利社 to Bridge to Asia, and in 2013 has again chosen to donate an additional 2500 journals through University of California Press. As a back log of past publications accumulates, this is a very worthy recipient of our older journals. These journals will continue to expose the work of av福利社 and av福利社 scholars to a world-wide audience. This is also an environmentally responsible choice for back journals, because we are sharing scholarship rather than recycling paper.
If you or your institution or library is considering a similar donation, gifts of books and journals are tax deductible, together with shipping costs.
To contact the foundation for further information, please visit their website at . Contact the Bridge to Asia office at 2140 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 504, Berkeley, CA 94704-1222, PH: 510-665-3998, FX) 510-665-3988, asianet@bridge.org. This office is for correspondence only—please do not send books to this address. Please see their website for more information regarding drop-off locations.