March 2013 Volume LVII, No. 3 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter |
 | | See You in Buffalo! Over 500 people will attend the from April 10-14 in Buffalo, NY. The deadline to register is March 29th. . Onsite registration will be available April 10. Volunteers are still needed - volunteer for 6 or more hours to receive complimentary conference registration. For information on volunteering, contact Louise Yots at louiseyots@gmail.com. Please remember that if you are not able to attend the av福利社 Annual Business Meeting and elections of officers and directors, you may before March 30. We look forward to seeing you in Buffalo! |
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  | | Upcoming Study Days - Save the Date Study days this summer will go behind the scenes of exhibits curated by av福利社 members: June 6: Study Day at MoMA
This study day will highlight two exhibits:
Curated by av福利社 member Barry Bergdoll, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design, MoMA; Corinne Belier, Chief Curator, Cite de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine; and Marc Le Coeur, Art Historian, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Departement des Estampes et de la Photographie.
Guest curated by av福利社 member Jean-Louis Cohen, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. July 19: Study Day the Getty
Curated by av福利社 members Wim de Wit, Senior Curator of Architecture and Design at the Getty Research Institute, and Christopher James Alexander, Curator of Architecture and Design at Getty Research Institute, with Rani Singh. |
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Upcoming av福利社 Opportunities The is currently accepting applications. This grant will award emerging scholars (those with PhDs earned during the past six years) funds to help defray the high costs of image licensing and reproduction for monographs on the history of the built environment. Deadline June 1, 2013. Applications for the will be accepted beginning April 1. This fellowship of $50,000 will allow a recent graduate or emerging scholar to study by travel for one year. Deadline October 1, 2013. |
av福利社ARA Travel Fellowship Report by Ruth Lo, av福利社ARA Travel Fellowship Recipient: This collection of photographs for the av福利社ARA database features three fascist New Towns built ex-novo between 1928 and 1938 on the island of Sardinia. These New Towns—Arborea (formerly Mussolinia), Carbonia, and Fertilia—are significantly lesser known and studied than the New Towns of the Pontine Marshes (Agro Pontino in Italian) south of Rome. |
av福利社 Shares Jav福利社 with Faculty and Students in China av福利社 has made a donation of hundreds of back issues of Jav福利社 to , which sends 500,000 books to 1000 universities in the People’s Republic of China every year. For the past 22 years, the Foundation has been sending textbooks, journals, and books to be distributed to institutions of higher learning suffering from a serious lack of resources. According to The Bridge to Asia Foundation President, Jeffrey A. Smith, Ed. D., “Needs are urgent - even premier schools lack adequate collections.” |
Members in the News NYTimes Review of MoMA's "Henri Labrouste" curated by Barry Bergdoll |
Chapter News 2013 SEav福利社 Annual Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 25-28, 2013 |
Partner Organization News CAA Survey on Fair Use: The College Art Association is conducting research in the visual arts community on uses of third party copyrighted images and other works with the goal of creating a code of fair use practices for scholars, artists, teachers, and museum professionals. . |
av福利社 March Booklist Read the of recently published architecture books and related works. The booklist and exhibition catalog booklist are selected by Barbara Opar, Architecture Librarian, Syracuse University Library. |