
H Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship Accepting Applications

The Society of Architectural Historians’ prestigious H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship will allow a recent graduate or emerging scholar to study by travel for one year.
Apr 1, 2013 by User Not Found
The Fellowship is *not* for the purpose of doing research for an advanced academic degree. Instead, Prof. Brooks intended the recipient to study by travel and contemplation while observing, reading, writing, or sketching. The goals are to provide an opportunity for a recent graduate with an advanced degree or an emerging scholar to:
  1. see and experience architecture and landscapes first-hand
  2. think about their profession deeply
  3. acquire knowledge useful for the recipient’s future work, contribution to their profession and contribution to society
The fellowship recipient may travel to any country or countries during the one-year period.  This Fellowship is funded completely by the Society of Architectural Historians’ H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship Fund. Read more and apply now.