
2013 av福利社 Publication Award Winners Announced

The av福利社 Publication Awards were awarded to six publications at the av福利社 Awards Ceremony.
Apr 11, 2013 by User Not Found

Every year the Society presents six awards to honor the most distinguished publications in architectural history, urban history, landscape history, preservation, and architectural exhibition catalogs that have been published in the previous two years. av福利社 also presents the Founders' Award for the best Jav福利社 article written by an emerging scholar in the previous two years. 

2013 Publication Award Winners:

Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award

The Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award was established in 1949 to recognize annually the most distinguished work of scholarship in the history of architecture published by a North American scholar. 

Jean-Louis Cohen,
 Architecture in Uniform: Designing and Building for the Second World WarCanadian Centre for Architecture/ 脡ditions Hazan 2011

Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award - Honrable Mention

Heather Hyde Minor, The Culture of Architecture in Enlightenment Rome, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010

Philip Johnson Exhibition Catalogue Award

Presented by the Society of Architectural Historians for excellence in published exhibition catalogs.

Anthony Vidler, James Frazer Stirling, Notes from the Archive, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Yale Center for British Art in association with Yale University Press, 2010

Antoinette Forrester Downing Award

Presented by the Society of Architectural Historians for the outstanding publication devoted to historical issues in the preservation field.

Daniel Bluestone, Buildings, Landscapes, and Memory: Case Studies in Historic Preservation, W.W. Norton & Company Press, 2011

Elisabeth Blair MacDougall Book Award

Presented by the Society of Architectural Historians for distinguished scholarship in the history of landscape architecture or garden design.

David H. Haney,
When Modern Was Green: Life and work of landscape architect Leberecht Migge, Routledge, 2010

Spiro Kostof Book Award

Presented by the Society of Architectural Historians for the work that, focusing on urbanism and architecture, provides the greatest contribution to our understanding of historical development and change.

Sheila Crane, Mediterranean Crossroads: Marseille and Modern Architecture, University of Minnesota Press, 2011

Founders' Jav福利社 Article Award

Presented by the Society of Architectural Historians for the best article on the history of architecture published by an emerging scholar in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians.

Kathryn E. O’Rourke, “Guardians of Their Own Health: Tuberculosis, Rationalism, and Reform in Modern Mexico,” Jav福利社, Volume 71, Number 1, March 2012