
Graduate Student Lightning Talks - Call for Presenters

As it has since 2010, this year's Society of Architectural Historians Annual Conference is proud to feature the Graduate Student Lightning Talks.
Jun 11, 2013 by User Not Found

This full session is composed of 5-minute graduate student presentations that provide graduate students the opportunity to present their current research. Participants may choose to present their work in the form of a focused summation, a concentrated case study, or a methodological exegesis. This year, the Lightning Talks format, in which presentations are divided into thematic groups with question and discussion following each, will be augmented with established scholars acting as respondents.

Graduate students are invited to submit a short abstract (150 word max.) headed with the applicant's name, institutional affiliation and title of talk along with their CV. The title of the talk must be 65 characters or less, including spaces. Preference will be given to advanced PhD students, but all graduate students are encouraged to apply. Please note that applications cannot be accepted from graduate students who are participating in another session, and Lightning Talks speakers will not be eligible for av福利社 Annual Meeting Fellowships. In addition, to allow respondents time to prepare, this year we will ask participants to submit a brief text of their presentation in early 2014.

You may contact Michael McCulloch at mccullmp@umich.edu with any questions. Please submit proposals tosahlightningtalks@gmail.com by August 1, 2013.

Session Co-Chairs:

Michael McCulloch, University of Michigan
Erica Morawski, University of Illinois - Chicago
Adedoyin Teriba, Princeton University