June 2013 Volume LVII, No. 6 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter |
 | | Graduate Student Lightning Talks - Call for Proposals The av福利社 is proud to feature the Graduate Student Lighting Talks at the .
This full session is composed of 5-minute graduate student presentations that provide graduate students the opportunity to present their current research. This year, the Lightning Talks format, in which presentations are divided into thematic groups with question and discussion following each, will be augmented with established scholars acting as respondents.
Proposals are due by August 1, 2013. . |
 | | av福利社 Study Day in Los Angeles Space is still available on the av福利社 Study Day in Los Angeles, July 19. This study day will offer av福利社 members the opportunity to be shown two distinct exhibitions by the curators. These exhibitions are part of Pacific Standard Time Presents: Modern Architecture in L.A., celebrating the city’s modern architectural heritage through exhibitions and programs at cultural institutions in and around L.A. April-July, 2013. A is available for this Study Day. . |
 | | av福利社 Archipedia Receives NEH Grant av福利社 has been awarded a major Humanities Collections and Reference Resources grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to significantly expand av福利社 Archipedia by 4,000 building entries. av福利社 Archipedia () is an online resource developed in collaboration with UVa Press and edited by Gabrielle Esperdy, Associate Professor of Architecture at NJIT, and Karen Kingsley, Professor Emerita at Tulane University. |
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 | | Learning from Taksim Square: Architecture, State Power, and Public Space in Istanbul av福利社 Blog Post by
In a matter of days, “Taksim Square” has become a household name akin to Tahrir Square, shorthand for a youthful protest movement against the brutality of state power in the Middle East. What began last week as a peaceful sit-in to protest the uprooting of trees from Gezi Park, one of Istanbul’s last open green spaces near Taksim Square, has morphed into a broader Occupy movement against the Turkish government, with massive demonstrations in many Turkish cities, as well as solidarity demonstrations throughout the world. . |
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 | | av福利社 Members Awarded ACLS Fellowships
The following av福利社 members received 2013 fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies: , Florida Atlantic University School of Architecture - ACLS Fellowship Program 2013 , University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - ACLS Fellowship Program 2013 , University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - ACLS New Faculty Fellows Program 2013 , Doctoral Candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Henry Luce Foundation / ACLS Dissertation Fellowships in American Art 2013 . |
 | | av福利社 Members Awarded Graham Foundation Grants to Individuals
The following av福利社 members received 2013 Graham Foundation Grants to Individuals: , Any Reader, 1993-200 [Research]
, Inventing Informality [Research] , Dreaming of a Nation: Architecture and Cold War Modernization in Postcolonial Pakistan [Research] , Standardization Reconsidered: Earnst Neufert's Bauentwufslehre (1963) as Case Study [Research] , with Pierluigi Serraino, Focus on Modernism: The Architectural Photography of Robert Damora [Publication] , The Exhibitionist State: Image Economies of the Mexican "Miracle" [Publication] , Flights of Imagination: Powered Aviation and the Art and Science of Landscape Design and Planning [Publication]
, with David Reinfurt, Messages & Means: Muriel Cooper at MIT, 1954-1994 [Publication] , Photographic Modern Architecture [Publication]
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 | | Partner News The of the (av福利社ANZ) will be held July 2-5 at the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia. The announced the launch of , a website offering free access to the papers of six of the most important figures from America’s founding era—George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and Benjamin Franklin. The site will make nearly 120,000 documents freely accessible to the public. Developed by the Press’s electronic imprint, Rotunda, Founders Online will be officially launched at a ceremony at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. on June 13. |
Upcoming Deadlines - av福利社 Opportunities : Provides financial relief to early-career scholars who are paying image rights and permissions for use in publications. Deadline extended to September 15. : Covers the registration cost of the tour for a graduate student or emerging professional. Deadline June 28. : $50,000 award to cover one year of travel for a recent graduate or emerging scholar. Deadline October 1. : The av福利社 Board of Directors seeks nominations for the 2014 class of av福利社 Fellows, those individuals who have distinguished themselves by a lifetime of significant contributions to the field. Deadline July 1. : The 2014 av福利社 Nominating Committee seeks your recommendations for new av福利社 Board members who would begin their terms in April 2014 and serve for 3 years. |
Members in the News Joanna Merwood Salisbury reviews Barry Bergdoll's Labrouste Exhibition at MoMA |
av福利社 June Booklist Read the of recently published architecture books and related works. The booklist and exhibition catalog list are selected by Barbara Opar, Architecture Librarian, Syracuse University Library. |