
Obituary: Barbara Wriston, av福利社 Fellow

Jul 31, 2013 by av福利社 News
Barbara Wriston died peacefully at home July 2, 2013, three days after her 96th birthday. Daughter of Ruth B. and Henry M. Wriston (President of Brown University 1937-1955); sister of Walter B. Wriston (Chairman of Citicorp 1968-1984); fond sister-in- law of Kathryn D. Wriston; beloved aunt of Catherine W. Quintal (husband Richard) and great-aunt of Christopher W. Quintal (wife Sara) and Barbara Catherine Quintal. An Art Historian and Museum Educator, Barbara received a B.A. from Oberlin University, an M.A. from Brown University and, in 1977, an Honorary D.Litt from Lawrence University. She began her distinguished career at the Museum of Arts at the Rhode Island School of Design in 1939; in 1944, she became a Lecturer at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; and in 1961 was appointed Executive Director of Museum Education at the Art Institute of Chicago. Barbara was a Life Trustee of Chicago's Newberry Library; a Benjamin Franklin Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in London; Trustee of the New York Public Library and Kentucky's Frontier Nursing Service. -

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Barbara Wriston was a member of av福利社 for over 50 years. She served as Board Treasurer from 1952-54, Secretary from 1955-57, Vice President from 1958-59, and President from 1960-62. In addition she served as the Cambridge, MA Chapter President and served an additional term on the Board from 1962-65. She was appointed a Fellow of av福利社 in 2007.