
Obituary: Randell L. Makinson

Aug 20, 2013 by av福利社 news
Randell Makinson, for decades the acknowledged expert on the work of architects Charles and Henry Greene, died of cancer on August 13th in Pasadena, Calif. He was 81.  He was an av福利社 member from 2009-2011, and attended the av福利社 Annual Conference in Pasadena in 2009. 

Makinson, who graduated from the USC School of Architecture, returned to the university in 1958 and stayed until 1992. He was a member of the architecture faculty and then director of The Gamble House, the 1908 Greene & Greene masterpiece that he helped save from demolition at a time when the Greenes’ work was relatively unknown. Upon retirement, Makinson was given the title of director emeritus.

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Obituary from the Los Angeles Times