
Lessons About Architecture and the Civil Rights Era Added to av福利社 Archipedia

av福利社 is pleased to announce the addition of three lesson plans about architecture and the civil rights era to av福利社 Archipedia.
Oct 4, 2013 by Jenny Gavacs

Written by award-winning teacher Charles M. Yarborough (2008 Mississippi History Teacher of the Year and 2011 Mississippi Historical Society Outstanding History Teacher, among other recognitions), these lesson plans include links to online multimedia resources, photos, and class activities in the form of PDFs available for free download. Each lesson focuses on architecture associated with pivotal civil rights events: James Meredith integrating the University of Mississippi, the murders of Emmett Till and three civil rights workers, and Medgar Evers’s murder. Each lesson is also available in versions for elementary-, middle-, and high-school students. Thanks to generous funding from the National Endowment for the Arts these lessons are the first of many to come. Soon they will also be linked to av福利社 Archipedia building entries for Mississippi written by Jennifer Baughn and Michael Fazio. We invite you to download and use the new lessons at .