
av福利社 Fall av福利社 Drive

Did you know that av福利社 conducts a membership drive every fall?
Oct 15, 2013 by User Not Found
av福利社 is the lifeblood of av福利社 – we exist for our members! av福利社’s current membership is 2,500 individuals and has hovered there for the past few years. The board of director’s av福利社 & Diversity Committee has set a goal of increasing membership by 10% each year for the next 10 years.

Growing membership has two facets – renewals and new members. With double the members, your dues stay affordable and we can do even more for YOU. If you renew and bring in one new member you will have a huge impact, and we will reach this goal very quickly! Fall is the perfect time to introduce a colleague, friend, associate or student to all that av福利社 offers. This is not a heavy sales job – just share your story.

A gift av福利社 membership is the perfect way to recognize a fellow scholar. We have a full array of materials to help: member information cards, sample journals, suggested emails, and more. Contact Director of av福利社 Anne Bird for your av福利社 Kit today.