March 2014 Volume LVIII, No. 3 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter |
 | | Tickets Now Available for Fundraiser at the Maison de Verre Members may now purchase tickets for the special two-day fundraising event "av福利社 in Paris: Modernist Masterworks," which takes place July 11-12 and includes visits to the Maison de Verre, the Villa Savoye and the Maison Louis Carré. The event is being held to benefit av福利社 Archipedia and help raise funds needed to secure a $450,000 NEH matching grant. Tickets are $2,500, and space is limited to 25 people. Tickets go on sale to the general public on Monday, March 17, at 11 a.m. To reserve your ticket, please call 312-573-1365. . |
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 | | Spaces Still Available on Austin Area Tours av福利社 presents 21 of architecture and landscapes to locations in and around Austin during the 2014 Annual Conference. All tours are open to the public, and full conference registration is not required to attend. Some tours to consider: |
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 | | Texas Building Entries Added to av福利社 Archipedia In preparation for the av福利社 Annual Conference in Austin, TX, we’re happy to announce that new entries for 1,322 sites in Texas have been added to . These building entries represent about half the state of Texas, and include 203 photos for 192 sites. av福利社 Archipedia Classic Buildings will display 50 of these building entries with photos. Look for more photos by Gerald Moorhead, author of the current Buildings of the United States volume on Texas, to be added in the weeks to come. . |
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 | | Croatia Cruise Tour Rates Increase on March 25 Rates for the Croatia Study Tour (August 18-29) will increase by $300 per person on March 25 so. The land and cruise tour offers AIA/CES 54 HSW and includes stops at UNESCO World Heritage Monuments in Sarajevo, Montenegro and along the Dalmatian Coast. Architect Boris Srdar will lead this unique tour customized for av福利社 members. The tour also includes a study day at the Venice Biennale with Ken Tadashi Oshima. . |
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 | | Saint Martin's Evangelical Lutheran Church: Modernity and Continuity By Jason John Paul Haskins, Assoc. AIA, LEED BD+C
This article orginally appeared in the .
Robert Mather brought an impressive Modernist pedigree to the design of St. Martin’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas (1958-1960). This Mid-century abstraction of the primitive Christian basilica represents a synthesis of international movements in architecture and liturgy uncovering archetypal models of inhabitation and ritual. The church will be featured on the upcoming tour “” during the Society of Architectural Historians Annual Conference in Austin, Texas, April 9-13, 2014. . |
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 | | Miami Study Day Report By Study Tour Fellow Marsha J. McDonald
Miami is a cross-section of multiple cultures and environmental factors, which has a profound impact on the built landscape. As such, there have been unique opportunities of urban interventions created by the juxtaposition of place, people and theof culture. The 2014 Miami Study Tour engages two of the most notable installations on the Miami cultural landscape. .
Related News: |
Chicago 2015 Conference CFP Opens April 1 av福利社 will begin accepting abstract submissions for the 68th Annual Conference in Chicago (April 15-19, 2015) on April 1, 2014. Details will be available on the av福利社 website. |
Proxy Vote for Nominations of av福利社 Officers and Board of Directors Notice is hereby given that the Annual Business Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians will be held at the Hyatt Regency Austin on Wednesday, April 9, 2014. If you will not be in attendance at the meeting, please no later than March 31, 2014.
School of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame Acquires Léon Krier's Library and Archives The University of Notre Dame announces the acquisition of the Léon Krier Library and Archives. This monumental acquisition will become part of the University’s permanent research collection and serve as the cornerstone for a research center devoted to the study of classical and traditional architecture and urbanism. . |
Save the Date for the Symposium "Mackintosh Architecture: A New Study" In July 2014, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow, will launch a major new online resource: Mackintosh Architecture: Context, Making and Meaning. This website is the culmination of a four-year project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research council, which has developed the first catalogue raisonné of Mackintosh's architecture and that of the practice of John Honeyman & Keppie/Honeyman, Keppie & Mackintosh. The symposium will explore the development of the project and its research outcomes. . |
Art & Architecture Thesaurus Now Available as Linked Open Data The Getty has released the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)® as Linked Open Data. The data set is available for download at under an Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC BY 1.0).
AAT is a reference of over 250,000 terms on art and architectural history, styles, and techniques. . |
Getty Makes 35 Million Photos Free to Use Getty Images, the world's largest photo agency, has made vast swathes of its library free to use, in an effort to combat piracy. Millions of images will now be available without cost to blogs and social media sites. . |
National Trust Preservation Conference Call for Ideas and Proposals Be a part of the premier educational and networking event for those who care about saving places – submit a session idea, a Field Study proposal or an Affiliate Event today. Your expertise, knowledge and ideas can help shape PastForward, the 2014 National Preservation Conference, Nov 11-14 in Savannah, Ga. For more information, visit . |
Chapter & Partner News The monthly meeting of the Louise Bethune Chapter in Buffalo, NY took place on February 10 with speaker Chuck Banas, who provided an update about the upcoming Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU), which is holding its in Buffalo in June 2014. Banas, who is on the local arrangements committee, discussed the goals of CNU, the opportunities for attendance, networking, and volunteering, and what landing this conference means for Buffalo's built environment.
The launched 2014 with two very successful public events. In January, members gathered at Asher Benjamin's Old West Church to hear Peter Benes, author of Meetinghouses of Early New England, lecture at the chapter's 42nd Annual Meeting. February's public event was the well-attended Student Symposium, held at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Nine students from around the region shared the latest findings from their research.
The Philadelphia Chapter presents "Otto C. Wolf: Philadelphia's Brewery Architect" with Rich Wagner, Philadelphia's brewery historian, on March 27, at 6 p.m. at the Saint Benjamin Brewing Company, 1710 N. Fifth St., Philadelphia. $15 av福利社 members; $20 non-members. To register, email Mary Anne Eves or call 610-566-2342.
The Southern California Chapter (av福利社/SCC) presents "," an exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour of the renovated Library Exhibition Hall at the Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, on April 6, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. |
Current av福利社 Opportunities : Funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this award is designed to provide financial relief to scholars who are publishing their first monograph on the history of the built environment and who are responsible for paying for rights and permissions for images in their publications. Deadline June 1. |
Members in the News |
av福利社 March Booklist Read the of recently published architecture books and related works. The booklist and exhibition catalog list are selected by Barbara Opar, Architecture Librarian, Syracuse University Library. |