August 2014 Volume LVIII, No. 8 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter |
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| | av福利社 Receives Graham Foundation Grant av福利社 has been awarded a $5,000 grant from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts for the av福利社 Chicago Seminar, “Tomorrow’s Metropolis: Bridging the Past and Future in Chicago’s Built Environment.” The Graham Foundation today announced $480,000 in new grants to organizations around the world to support projects that engage original ideas in architecture. av福利社 is among 11 Chicago-based organizations to receive a grant. |
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 | | av福利社 in Paris—Magnificent On July 11 and 12, av福利社 collaborated with former av福利社 Board member Robert Rubin to host a two-day seminar on his iconic Paris house, the Maison de Verre. Designed as a fundraiser to enable av福利社 to raise $50,000 to help match an NEH grant to develop av福利社 Archipedia, the event attracted additional support that put av福利社’s total fundraising commitment to NEH over its goal. |
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 | | Improvements to the Annual Conference and Study Tour Programs Over the past few years, av福利社 has asked for your feedback after each conference and study tour with the hope of being able to make improvements and provide a better experience for all of you. As a result of the feedback received, av福利社 is implementing the following improvements and additions. Some may be familiar and others are brand new. |
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 | | Bruce G. Moffat: The Chicago Freight Tunnels av福利社 is excited to host the MAS Context 2014 Fall Talks at our headquarters, the Charnley-Persky House. The first lecture, with Bruce Moffat, will take place on Tuesday, September 2. In his talk, he will discuss the history of the Chicago Freight tunnels, a system he visited several times and a topic he covered for the Network issue of MAS Context. |
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| | av福利社 Archipedia Adds Buildings of Vermont and Site Enhancements
Over 600 new entries from the award-winning Buildings of Vermont volume by Glenn M. Andres and Curtis B. Johnson have been added to av福利社 Archipedia—surveying such notable places as the residences of Robert Todd Lincoln (Hildene) and Rudyard Kipling (Naulakha), as well as the Trapp Family Lodge and Plymouth Notch (where Calvin Coolidge took the presidential oath of office)—with 100 of these freely accessible via av福利社 Archipedia Classic Buildings. |
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| | “Nothing is Transmissible but Thought”: Le Corbusier’s Radiant Farm Made Real av福利社 Blog post by Michelle Millar Fisher
Shortly before his death in August 1965, Le Corbusier began to collate two decades of his writings, which resulted in Mise au point (1966). The architect outlines what Charles Jencks later characterized as the “tragic view” of his career, lamenting a life devoted to the study of housing that was, in Le Corbusier’s eyes, underappreciated by the French government and the wider public. |
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 | | In the Yucatán, Land of Kukulkan av福利社 Blog post by Brooks Fellow Amber N. Wiley
Mayan heritage in the Yucatán Peninsula is a living heritage. Mayan languages are living languages. It is because of this that I have titled this month’s blog post, “In the Yucatán, Land of Kukulkan.” Kukulkan is the Mayan feathered-serpent god, an equivalent to the Aztecs’ Quetzalcoatl. It is Kukulkan who is said to descend the stairs at Chichén Itzá on the spring and autumn equinoxes. |
Say Happy Birthday to av福利社 The Society turns 75 in 2015! We will be celebrating our 75th anniversary throughout the upcoming year. One way to participate is to place an ad in the 2015 Annual Conference program book, which is mailed to all domestic members and used extensively during the conference (April 15-19), as well as the months leading up to it. Your department can promote its program to our membership by placing an ad congratulating av福利社. You can even collaborate and share the cost of an ad with others to show your support for av福利社. You may submit camera-ready ad artwork or provide av福利社 with text and a photo/logo, and we will create the ad for you. It’s easy. Artwork and payment must be received by September 15, 2014. Learn more on the Annual Conference page. If you have questions, please contact av福利社 Director of Development, Carolyn Garrett at cgarrett@sah.org or at 312-573-1365. It’s going to be a wonderful year as we celebrate our first 75 years and look forward to our future 75! |
President Obama Awards 2014 National Humanities Medals On July 28, President Barack Obama to nine individuals and one organization for outstanding achievements in history, cultural studies, filmmaking, cultural commentary, and historic preservation ... This year, for the first time, the President bestowed a on the ten recipients. |
Chapter and Partner News The Latrobe Chapter is accepting proposals for its 11th Biennial Symposium on the Historic Development of Metropolitan Washington, DC, under the theme "Art in Architecture, Architecture in Art." All paper sessions will occur on Saturday, March 21, 2015, at the Catholic University of America. Please send a one-page, 350-word abstract for a 20-minute paper and an abbreviated CV by Friday, September 5, 2014, to Susanneh Bieber and Susan West Montgomery. For more information, visit .
The Art Libraries Society of North America presents the third issue of its newest publication, the , an e-publication made freely available on the ARLIS/NA website. M&T Reviews targets projects, products, events, and issues within the broad realm of multimedia and technology as they pertain to arts scholarship, research, and librarianship.
The Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation received grants from the New York Building Foundation and the New York Council for the Humanities to identify 100 outstanding structures and built environments, either contemporary or historic, designed and/or constructed by women in New York City. BWAF is accepting nominations for through October 31, 2014.
Mark your calendars for Docomomo US’ eighth annual Tour Day event, October 11, 2014! Participants will have the opportunity on Saturday to embark upon unique and exclusive tours and events of important modern architecture, interiors, and landscapes that include Wallace Harrison’s First Presbyterian church in Stamford, Connecticut, and a bus tour of Las Vegas’ premier mid-century celebrity homes. Follow us on and , and watch for our full list of tour events and locations announced on September 9th! If interested in hosting a tour, visit or email tourday@docomomo-us.org. |
Current av福利社 Opportunities : Over 20 fellowships will be awarded to fund travel to the 2015 av福利社 Annual Conference in Chicago, April 15-19. Deadline August 30. : This award provides support for travel related to research on Spanish, Portuguese, or Ibero-American architecture. Deadline September 5. : Funded by the Scott Opler Endowment for New Scholars, these grants provide a one-year membership in av福利社 to emerging scholars. Deadline September 12. : This prestigious $50,000 fellowship allows a recent graduate or emerging scholar to study by travel for one year. Deadline October 1. |
av福利社 August Booklist Read the and of recently published architecture books and related works. Booklists and exhibition catalog lists are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library. |