
September 2014 Newsletter

Sep 19, 2014 by User Not Found

September 2014 Volume LVIII, No. 9 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter

  av福利社 Receives $10,000 Challenge Grant for Charnley-Persky House Restoration
As news of flood damage to the Charnley-Persky House spread, friends of av福利社 have offered their support as volunteers to assist in cleanup and with monetary support. av福利社 board member Cynthia Weese, FAIA, and her husband, Ben Weese, FAIA, have made a Challenge Grant of $10,000 for Charnley-Persky House recovery and ongoing restoration work.


  av福利社 to Honor Chicago Preservationists at Gala 
The Society of Architectural Historians (av福利社) will hold its fifth annual Awards Gala on Saturday, November 8, 2014, from 6-9 p.m., at The Fortnightly of Chicago, 120 East Bellevue Place. The theme of this year’s gala is “A Foundation for Preservation,” honoring individuals who initiated early historic preservation work in Chicago and continue to support the conservation of the built environment. Tickets are $175/person ($50 tax deductible) and may be purchased online at or by calling (312) 573-1365.

av福利社 Archipedia   av福利社 Completes NEH Match for av福利社 Archipedia  
With more than six months to spare, av福利社 has finished raising $150,000 in new funding to match a $300,000 grant offer from NEH to create new born-digital content for av福利社 Archipedia. The $450,000 in funding has enabled av福利社 to hire project and media editors to work with more than 30 teams of authors who are writing building histories for the 100 most representative buildings in each of the states not yet included in av福利社 Archipedia. When complete in mid-2015, the online educational resource will cover all 50 states and will form an authoritative, peer-reviewed online encyclopedia of American architecture.

    av福利社 Archipedia Announces New Project Editor 
Catherine Boland Erkkila has joined av福利社 Archipedia as project editor of the NEH-funded State 100 project. She will work with av福利社 Archipedia Editor Gabrielle Esperdy managing the publication of born-digital content from 34 teams of writers now at work across the country.

  Lecture by Molly Wright Steenson 
The second talk of the MAS Context fall series is by Molly Wright Steenson, assistant professor in the School of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The lecture will take place on Tuesday, October 7 at the Charnley-Persky House, headquarters of the Society of Architectural Historians. In her talk, she will discuss her research about Architectures of Information.


  Antigua: La vida de las ruinas 
av福利社 Blog post by Brooks Fellow Amber N. Wiley
There is life among ruins. Antigua is the perfect place for a case study on preservation – the methods of conservation, local governance, and international partnerships. There is much to be learned from this small Central American city, designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.

Save the Date: Argentina Field Seminar
Save the date for the upcoming av福利社 Field Seminar to Argentina, September 1-12, 2015. Watch for more information on the webpage and in the October av福利社 Newsletter.
Help av福利社 by Recruiting Just One New Member This Year 
The One-to-One av福利社 Campaign aims for each member of av福利社 to recruit one new member by the end of the calendar year. With your help, we can double our membership numbers and reach our goal of 5,000 members. This would not only allow the Society to have a bigger impact on current discussions about the built environment, it would also help reduce the costs of many av福利社 activities for each individual member. Visit the webpage for some thoughts to consider when reaching out to potential members and a downloadable av福利社 av福利社 Kit. If you have questions, please contact Anne Bird at membership@sah.org.
JPASS 50% Off for av福利社 Members
In collaboration with JSTOR, av福利社 offers its members a 50% discount for JPASS, a new JSTOR access plan for individuals. Designed for those without institutional access to the JSTOR archival collections, JPASS is ideal for av福利社 members working outside of the academy. It is also valuable for faculty members at institutions with limited access to JSTOR, and for adjuncts with sporadic access to library resources. You must be an av福利社 member to purchase JPASS at the discounted rate. To purchase, members must first log in to the av福利社 website, then visit the Jav福利社 webpage and click on the link to purchase JPASS for $99/year. If you need assistance, please contact Anne Bird at abird@sah.org.
Chapter and Partner News
The program for the 2014 conference of the Marion Dean Ross Chapter of the av福利社 in Seattle (October 3-5) has been set. Behind the scenes tours of several Seattle museums housed in rehabilitated structures reflect the conference theme, Museums: Building Collections, Building Community. Other events include supersized paper sessions and a keynote by Anthony Belluschi on preserving and sharing the legacy of his father, architect Pietro Belluschi. For more, visit the chapter's website at .

The Philadelphia Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians invites you to join in celebrating its Golden Anniversary on Thursday, October 2, 2014. The chapter will convene at the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, site of the first gathering of the chapter, for a gala reception and lecture by Dr. David B. Brownlee, Frances Shapiro-Weitzenhoffer Professor, University of Pennsylvania and Chair of the Graduate Group in the History of Art, entitled, “Making Architectural History Historic in Philadelphia.”

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) , which includes on-demand access to the Society’s webinars, virtual conferences and educational initiatives. The Learning Portal provides opportunities for ARLIS/NA members and interested others to participate in online learning modules focused on current issues most important to the art library community in our fast-paced and changing environment.

Docomomo US’ eighth annual Tour Day event is only a month away! On October 11, 2014, participants will have the opportunity to embark upon unique and exclusive tours and events that includes a lecture and tour of the work of architect Bruce Goff hosted by Docomomo US’ Southern California chapter. Be sure to watch for our full list of tour events and locations announced on September 9th as well as follow daily updates featuring fun facts and exclusive tour information on and . For more information please visit or email tourday@docomomo-us.org.

The Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA) will hold its at the new Aga Khan Museum, Toronto, October 16 - October 18, 2014. The symposium is a forum for the presentation and discussion of papers on various aspects of Islamic art history and is open to all, regardless of nationality or academic affiliation. The theme of this year’s symposium is “Forms of Knowledge and Cultures of Learning in Islamic Art.” 

The Italian Art Society (IAS) is accepting abstracts for the session "Civic Foundation Legends in Italian Art," part of the International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, May 14-17, 2015. Deadline September 15, 2014. .

The Vernacular Architecture Forum is seeking scholarly papers for its , June 3-7 and nominations for in several categories. The deadline is November 1, 2014. View the VAF awards .
Current av福利社 Opportunities 
: This prestigious $50,000 fellowship allows a recent graduate or emerging scholar to study by travel for one year. Deadline October 1.
av福利社 September Booklist
Read the  of recently published architecture books and related works. Booklists and exhibition catalog lists are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.