
Buildings of Texas Honored by San Antonio Conservation Society

Mar 24, 2015 by av福利社 News

The San Antonio Conservation Society honored  with a 2015 Publication Award during an awards ceremony on March 20, 2015. The Society's Publication Awards recognize the authors of the best recently published book on Texas history.

Buildings of Texas covers the Central, South and Gulf Coast regions and buildings in Austin, Corpus Christi, Houston and San Antonio. The 2013 volume is part of the Buildings of the United States series published by the Society Architectural Historians and the University of Virginia Press. Gerald Moorhead, FAIA, an award-winning Houston architect, photographer, and writer, led the team of experts that compiled over 1,000 building entries documenting the region's most important and representative examples of architectural styles as well as works by world-renowned architects. Contributors include James W. Steely, W. Dwayne Jones, Anna Mod, John C. Ferguson, Cheryl Caldwell Ferguson, Mario L. Sánchez, and Stephen Fox.

Pictured: Mario Sanchez, Gerald Moorhead and Anna Mod