
June 2015 Newsletter

Jun 22, 2015 by av福利社 News

June 2015 Volume LIX, No. 6 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
conservatory    av福利社 Study Day at The New York Botanical Garden
Join av福利社 on September 25 for a comprehensive, insider tour of The New York Botanical Garden, one of America’s most renowned urban green spaces, including its historic buildings and rare collections. Calvert Vaux created the initial design for the Garden, which was further developed by the Olmsted Brothers and then completed by the landscape engineers and architects Brinley and Holbrook in the early 1920s.

field trip    New Program: Hit the Ground Running
av福利社 is celebrating 75 years of outstanding architectural tours with its brand new Hit the Ground Running initiative this summer, part of the American Architecture and Landscape Field Trip Program. Help us celebrate av福利社’s 75th anniversary by organizing an architecture or landscape field trip for students in your area. For the inaugural Hit the Ground Running program in summer 2015, we anticipate hundreds of students across America will come together to experience the wonder of architecture and landscapes firsthand through tours organized by av福利社’s 18 chapters.

  Urban Archaeologist to Lead Chicago Dig with Lake Forest College Students
Chicago’s own urban archaeology expert and Lake Forest College professor Rebecca Graff will lead a group of Lake Forest College students in a summer Archaeological Field School at the Charnley-Persky House in Chicago. The grounds of the Gold Coast house, a National Historic Landmark designed by Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, still contain many historical artifacts and site elements waiting to be unearthed.

    New av福利社 Archipedia Content: Buildings of North Dakota
We're pleased to announce the addition of 409 building entries to av福利社 Archipedia, illustrated by 424 photographs, from the just-published Buildings of North Dakota volume by Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay, with 100 of these freely accessible via av福利社 Archipedia Classic Buildings.

    Jav福利社 June 2015 Issue Now Available
av福利社 is pleased to announce the release of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 74, No. 2, June 2015. av福利社 members can access full articles by logging on to the av福利社 website and following the link on the Jav福利社 webpage.

    Hanoi: An Evolving Capital
av福利社 Blog post by Brooks Fellow Amber N. Wiley
Saigon is to New York City as Hanoi is to Washington, D.C. Or at least that was what I was told. Yes, Hanoi and Washington, D.C., are both capital cities. Ho Chi Minh City (commonly referred to as Saigon in Vietnam) and New York City are booming financial centers for their respective countries. This analogy, while seemingly straightforward, implies heavy cultural criticism and assumptions that were later elucidated in conversation.

av福利社 Signs Letter in Defense of Tenure and Academic Freedom in Wisconsin
In June the av福利社 officers voted unanimously to add av福利社 as a signer to a that was developed by the American Historical Association to defend tenure and academic freedom for the University of Wisconsin system.
Save the Date: 2015 Built Environment Symposium
The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation is pleased to announce the 2015 Built Environment Symposium, “The Chicago Tradition in Architecture: Inspiration or Artifact?” This free, public event will take place on October 9 and 10, in Chicago, and is organized by the Foundation to coincide with the Chicago Architecture Biennial. For the full list of speakers and preliminary schedule, visit .
Saving Place Series at the Museum of the City of New York
av福利社 is co-sponsoring a series of at the Museum of the City of New York in conjunction with the exhibition Saving Place: 50 Years of New York City Landmarks, which is on view at the museum through September 13, 2015. Use the code SAVE50 to purchase $10 discounted tickets to these programs (regularly $16). 
Current av福利社 Opportunities
: This av福利社 Field Seminar takes you to Uruguay and Argentina September 1-12 to learn firsthand about the countries' shared architectural heritage and the differences drawn by history and regional cultures.

: The av福利社 Board of Directors seeks nominations for the 2016 class of av福利社 Fellows, those individuals who have distinguished themselves by a lifetime of significant contributions to the field. Deadline July 1.

: The Nominating Committee seeks your recommendations for new av福利社 Board members who would begin their 3-year  terms in April 2016. Deadline August 1.

: This annual award recognizes the most distinguished work of film or video on the history of the built environment. Deadline August 3.

: These annual awards recognize the most distinguished publications in architectural history, urban history, landscape history, preservation and architectural exhibition catalogues. Deadline August 3. 

: av福利社 is accepting proposals for roundtable discussions, meetings, and informational presentations for the 2016 Annual International Conference to take place in Pasadena/Los Angeles, CA, April 6-10. Deadline August 14.

: This $50,000 fellowship will allow a recent graduate or emerging scholar to study by travel for one year. Deadline October 1, 2015.
av福利社 Chapter and Partner News
The Southeast Chapter of av福利社 seeks nominations for the . This annual award honors a project that preserves or restores an historic building or complex of buildings in an outstanding manner and that demonstrates excellence in research, technique and documentation. The deadline is July 1, 2015.

The (SHERA) is successfully implementing its visiting scholar program with the (RGGU) and the . Applications need to be submitted 6 weeks in advance of the planned trip for RGGU and 10 weeks for the European University. Inquiries about the process should be submitted to shera.artarchitecture@gmail.com.
Members in the News

av福利社 June Booklist
Read the  of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.