October 2015 Newsletter

Oct 13, 2015 by av福利社 News

October 2015 Volume LIX, No. 10 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
    av福利社 2017 Call for Sessions
At its 2017 Annual International Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, av福利社 will offer a total of 36 paper sessions. The Society invites its members, including graduate students and independent scholars, representatives of av福利社 chapters, and partner organizations, to chair a session at the conference. The deadline to submit a proposal is January 16, 2016.

    Call for Nominations to the Jav福利社 Editorial Advisory Committee
av福利社 invites nominations and self-nominations for two individuals to serve on the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Editorial Advisory Committee for a term of four years starting April 15, 2016. The Journal features leading scholarship in the English language in all aspects of the history of the built environment. Ideal candidates have published substantially in the field and may come from any of the Society’s constituencies in academia, preservation, museum work, or independent scholarship; institutional affiliation is not required.

    Highlights from av福利社ARA: Dell Upton
In the first of a series on the av福利社ARA collection, we'd like to highlight one of our most prolific contributors, Dell Upton. Dell has contributed content that covers virtually every time period, part of the world, and type of subject. One of the many strengths of his content is the large collection of memorials. These include contemporary war memorials, centuries of grave markers, royal tombs, commemorative sculptures, and much more. There are examples from North and South America, the UK, Australia and South Africa.

    GA Entries and WV Photos Added to av福利社 Archipedia
Fifty-one entries from the state of Georgia have been added to av福利社 Archipedia. This born-digital material, written by Robert M. Craig, comprises the first half of a list featuring 100 of Georgia’s most representative buildings. This new Georgia content joins a selection of ten entries, from the forthcoming Buildings of Savannah volume already published on av福利社 Archipedia.

    Jav福利社 September 2015 Issue
av福利社 is pleased to announce the release of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 74, No. 3, September 2015 issue. av福利社 members can access full articles by logging on to the av福利社 website and following the link on the Jav福利社 webpage. The issue includes articles by Maggie L. Popkin, Branko Mitrovic, Flavia Marcello and Paul Gwynne, and Elizabeth Macaulay-Lews and Jared Simard.

    Vertical Urban Factory Lecture
Nina Rappaport will lecture about her project Vertical Urban Factory on October 22, as part of MAS Context’s 2015 Fall Talks series. The lecture will take place at the Charnley-Persky House. Vertical Urban Factory, a traveling exhibition and book, focuses on the spaces of production in cities—both Modernist and contemporary—and incorporates the architectural, technological, and economic factors that shape their design, function, and social impact.

    "Other" Romanesques and Gothics: Medieval Architecture in Croatia, Bari, and Venice
By Patricia Blessing, 2014 H. Allen Brooks Fellow
Over the course of the past three months, I have had many occasions to think about established narratives of medieval architecture, and how they can be challenged once we move away from well known sites in Germany, France, England, and northern Italy. In this post, I will use sites in several cities in Croatia—Zadar, Split, and Dubrovnik, in Bari in southern Italy and in Venice to illustrate this point.

Obama Celebrates 50th Anniversary of NEH and NEA
President Obama celebrated the agencies' joint 50th anniversary, with the message that "The arts and humanities have always been central to the American experience." .
Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Unveils Master Plan for Comprehensive Preservation of Taliesin West
The Board of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation has approved the Preservation Master Plan for Taliesin West. This document is the culmination of more than 16 months of study and analysis by Chicago-based Harboe Architects of Taliesin West, a National Historic Landmark built between 1938 and 1959 that served as the winter home, studio and school of Frank Lloyd Wright. The plan will guide decisions on the future preservation, restoration and conservation of the approximately 80,000 gross square feet of building and landscape that comprise Taliesin West. This is the first plan of its kind created for Taliesin West and is unprecedented for the Foundation. View the .
Current av福利社 Opportunities
: Wednesdays and Saturdays through December 23

: Please take a few minutes to consider ways av福利社 can heighten its impact, broaden its reach, and contribute effectively to discussions that shape scholarly inquiry and public discourse on the built environment. Survey closes October 16.

: Please join us October 28 at Harvard's Frances Loeb Library to celebrate the founding of the Society at Harvard University in 1940. Register by October 22.

: Program in partnership with the Chicago Humanities Festival. November 7.

: Themed New Local/Global Infrastructures, the conference will take place April 6-10 and engage participants from around the world with the rich, evolving legacy of the Pasadena/Los Angeles region's built environment. Registration opens November 17.

: A joint program with the National Park Service's Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), this fellowship permits an architectural historian to work on a 12-week HABS project during the summer. Deadline December 31.

: This fellowship supports the participation of a graduate student in the research and writing for a volume in the Buildings of the United States series and/or av福利社 Archipedia. Deadline January 4, 2016.
av福利社 Chapter and Partner News
supports the 2015 Annual Convention of the  (ASEEES), from November 19–22 in Philadelphia, PA, as a member institution. SHERA members participate in panels on subjects ranging from Pilgrimage in the Russian Empire, to Twentieth-century Art and Architecture in Eastern Europe, and in the SHERA Open Business Meeting.
av福利社 October Booklist
Read the  and of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.