
December 2015 Newsletter

Dec 15, 2015 by av福利社 News

December 2015 Volume LIX, No. 12 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
    Register for the Pasadena/Los Angeles Conference
The Society of Architectural Historians will hold its 2016 Annual International Conference from Wednesday, April 6, through Sunday, April 10, at the Pasadena Convention Center, 300 E Green Street in Pasadena, Calif. Over 700 people from around the world will convene to share new research on the history of the built environment from antiquity to the critical present. Early registration ends February 3, 2016. 

    Submit a Session Proposal for the Glasgow Conference
At its 2017 Annual International Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, av福利社 will offer a total of 36 paper sessions. The Society invites its members, including graduate students and independent scholars, representatives of av福利社 chapters, and partner organizations, to chair a session at the conference. The deadline to submit a proposal is January 16, 2016.

    Danielle S. Willkens Named 2015 Brooks Travelling Fellow
av福利社 has awarded the 2015 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship to architectural designer and historian Danielle S. Willkens, Assoc. AIA, FRSA, LEED AP BD+C. The prestigious $50,000 award allows an emerging scholar to travel anywhere in the world for one year to gain firsthand experience of architecture and landscapes. Willkens plans to investigate the impact of tourism and environmental changes on cultural heritage sites and landscapes through the lens of Iceland and the Faroe Islands in the Norwegian Sea, Cuba and Japan.

    Thank You for Donating to the av福利社 Annual Fund
Thanks to your generous support, av福利社’s 75th anniversary year was very successful and full of anniversary-themed activities, accolades, and reminisces. But we cannot rest on our laurels. We’re asking you to as we embark on the next 75 years of maintaining av福利社’s role as the leading organization promoting the study of the built environment internationally.

    Jav福利社 December 2015 Issue Now Available
av福利社 is pleased to announce the release of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 74, No. 4, December 2015 issue. av福利社 members can access full articles by logging on to the av福利社 website and following the link on the Jav福利社 webpage.

Call for Nominations:
(Deadline: January 15, 2016)
(Deadline: February 15, 2016)


  Morocco: Reflections on Remembering Andalusia and the Absence of Ottomans
By Patricia Blessing, 2014 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
After my journey through southern Spain, this month finds me on the other side of the Straits of Gibraltar, in Morocco. Despite the fact that I am on a different continent, in a different country and surrounded by a different culture, the medieval and early modern Islamic architecture encountered here every step evokes the monuments of Andalusia. 


2015 Edilia and François-Auguste de Montêquin Junior Fellowship Report
By Ana María León
My dissertation studies the housing projects of Catalan architect Antonio Bonet in Buenos Aires as sites in which different discourses and realities intersect. Because of the transnational character of the research, my archives are widespread, including locations in Cambridge, New York, Barcelona, Paris, Vichy, Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, and Montevideo. In Fall 2015, I was in the process of revising my manuscript.
Save the Dates for av福利社 Study Programs
av福利社 is planning a Study Day at the San Diego Museum of Art and the Salk Institute in November 2016 as well as Field Seminars in Hawaii (September 2016), Vietnam (December 1-13, 2016) and China (late December 2017). More information will follow as it becomes available in the new year.
av福利社 Signs Joint Statement on "Campus Carry" Legislation
The undersigned learned societies are deeply concerned about the impact of Texas’s new Campus Carry law on freedom of expression in Texas universities. The law, which was passed earlier this year and takes effect in 2016, allows licensed handgun carriers to bring concealed handguns into buildings on Texas campuses.
Thank You to Our Donors
The Board of Directors and av福利社 staff thanks its many donors for their gifts to support our mission and educational programs during the period from April 1–September 30, 2015. .
NEH Public Scholar Grant Program
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) invites applications for the 2016 round of the Public Scholar Program, intended to support well-researched books in the humanities that have been conceived and written to reach a broad readership. The application deadline is February 2, 2016. Visit . 
Current av福利社 Opportunities
: Wednesdays and Saturdays through December 23

: This fellowship permits an architectural historian to work on a 12-week HABS project during the summer. Deadline December 31.

: This fellowship supports a graduate student in the research and writing for a volume in the Buildings of the United States series and/or av福利社 Archipedia. Deadline January 4.
Latest Jobs
Visit the  for more information and to purchase a job announcement.
Rice University - Rice Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
Virginia Tech - Assistant/Associate Professor of Architecture - History and Theory
Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc. - Architectural Historian
av福利社 Chapter and Partner News
The Marion Dean Ross/Pacific Northwest Chapter gave Christina Gray the 2015 Elisabeth Walton Potter Research Award for her proposal, Client Relations: Arthur Erickson and the Musqueam First Nation. The work will focus particularly on the architect's 1976 Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. For more go to the av福利社/MDR blog at .

SEav福利社 is pleased to announce the publication of Volume 26 of ARRIS, its annual journal, edited by Robin B. Williams and Celeste Lovette Guichard of Savannah College of Art & Design. Submissions for Volume 27 are welcome now. Copies of essays in earlier volumes of ARRIS are available through the SEav福利社 archive at Georgia Tech, with assistance from Leslie Sharp (leslie.sharp@gatech.edu) and /or through EBSCO. Visit .

Registration for the of the Construction History Society of America opens on January 1, 2016. "Knowledge Exchange and Transference of Building Technology" is the topic of the conference, which will be held May 26-29, 2016, at the School of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin.

Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture () held 27 panels and roundtable sessions at the  in Philadelphia. At the  in 2016, SHERA will sponsor a double session “Exploring Native Traditions in the Arts of Eastern Europe and Russia,” and a session “Collecting, Curating, Canonizing, Critiquing: The Institutionalization of Eastern European Art.” Elections are planned for new SHERA secretary/treasurer and the web news editor.
Members in the News
av福利社 December Booklist
Read the  of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.