
March 2016 Newsletter

Mar 17, 2016 by av福利社 News

March 2016 Volume LX, No. 3 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
Online registration for the av福利社 2016 Pasadena/Los Angeles conference ends March 22 at 5 pm CDT!
    CAA and av福利社 Release Guidelines for the Evaluation of Digital Scholarship in Art and Architectural History
The College Art Association (CAA), working jointly with av福利社, has released its Guidelines for the Evaluation of Digital Scholarship in Art and Architectural History for Promotion and Tenure. The guidelines are the result of a Task Force convened by the two associations of ten members from the academic community with experience in digital research, publication, and/or scholarly communications and administration. 

    New! Graduate Student Resources Page
In order to better serve our graduate student members, av福利社 has compiled the information on fellowships, publishing sources, graduate programs, dissertations, and other professional resources on the av福利社 website's new Graduate Student Resources page, which can be found under the Jobs and Careers menu. Information on graduate student opportunities and programming at av福利社 Annual International Conferences is also included.

    av福利社 Los Angeles Seminar, April 9
The av福利社 Los Angeles Seminar will examine SurveyLA (the Los Angeles Historic Resources Survey), L.A.'s comprehensive program to identify significant historic resources throughout the city, a project sponsored by the J. Paul Getty Trust and the City of Los Angeles. The seminar will situate this globally-accessible project in relation to other historic resource inventories and consider the implications and practical applications for planning, the public, and architectural historians. Tickets are on sale now. Open to the public. Advance registration ends March 22 at 5 pm CDT.

    Lecture: WTTW's Geoffrey Baer and Dan Protess, April 11
Join WTTW's Geoffrey Baer and Dan Protess as they preview and discuss their three nationally syndicated PBS programs focusing on the Ten Homes, Parks and Towns That Changed America. It is a whirlwind tour of America’s architectural treasures: great homes like Fallingwater and Monticello, masterpieces of landscape design like Central Park and the High Line, and triumphs of town planning like Philadelphia and Portland. Each episode stops by 10 places that changed the nation.

    Lecture: The Later Life of Charles M. Charnley, April 20
Jack Perry Brown, former director of The Ryerson and Burnham Libraries at The Art Institute of Chicago, presents new research on the life and mysterious disappearance of Charles M. Charnley, the brother of the very private James Charnley who built the iconic Charnley House with his personal friend, Louis Sullivan.

    Save the Date: Hawaii Field Seminar
Don J. Hibbard, author of Buildings of Hawaii, will lead an av福利社 Field Seminar in Hawaii, September 23 to October 1, 2016. This program—customized for av福利社 members—will bring the Buildings of the United States volume to life, with visits to many of the sites featured in the book, as well as several new buildings. Experience the unique architecture of Hawaii firsthand.

    Election Proxy for 2016 av福利社 Business Meeting
Only applies if you are unable to attend the conference: Notice is hereby given that an annual business meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians will be held at the Pasadena Conference Center on Wednesday, April 6, 2016. Please use this proxy vote ballot and respond no later than March 31, 2016

    Call for Nominations for Jav福利社 Editor
av福利社 invites nominations and self-nominations for the next Editor of Jav福利社 to serve a three-year term: January 1, 2018–December 31, 2020. In order to have sufficient time to review manuscripts and prepare their first issue, the Editor will begin by serving as Jav福利社 Editor Designate beginning Fall 2016. Deadline extended to June 15, 2016.

    av福利社 Archipedia: Kentucky Entries Added
Fifty-four entries featuring sites in the state of Kentucky have been added to av福利社 Archipedia. This new material comprises the first half of a list of Kentucky’s 100 most representative buildings and sites, created by state coordinator Cristina Carbone.


  Creating an Ottoman Capital: Istanbul in the Late Fifteenth Century 
By Patricia Blessing, 2014 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
This blog post will continue last month’s account of Istanbul as a city between past and present, between historical monuments and skyscrapers. The focus this time will be on the second half of the fifteenth century, and on the shaping of the new Ottoman capital following the conquest of Constantinople and the end of the Byzantine Empire in 1453. The conquest was not sudden, and Ottoman sultan Mehmed II, known as the Conqueror, had long prepared it.

Nine Teams of Scholars Awarded 2016 ACLS Collaborative Research Fellowships
ACLS is pleased to announce the . With the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the program funds small teams of scholars as they jointly pursue research and coauthor a major scholarly product. The nine projects funded this year cross disciplinary, methodological, and geographic boundaries, stretching beyond individual research practice to produce knowledge collectively that individual scholars could not produce alone.

Beyond the 50th New Directions at NEH
Read a March 2016 report, “,” about innovative grant programs at the agency by Chairman William D. Adams.

Take Action for the Humanities
The National Humanities Alliance, a coalition of over 150 organizations, needs you to join the effort to defend federal humanities programs. Urge your Members of Congress to increase funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Title VI/Fulbright-Hays international education programs! .
Current av福利社 Opportunities
: Provide financial support to scholars publishing their first monograph on the history of the built environment and who are responsible for paying for image rights and permissions. Deadline May 15.

: Allows a graduate student or emerging professional to participate in the Vietnam & Cambodia Field Seminar, December 1-13, 2016. Deadline August 11, at 5 pm CDT.

: This av福利社 Field Seminar (December 1-13, 2016) will explore the fascinating architectural landscape of Vietnam and the spectacular Angkor complex in Cambodia, capital of the Khmer empire from the ninth to fifteenth century. 
Latest Jobs
Visit the  for more information or to purchase a job announcement.
  • Architectural Historian (Quality Services, Inc.)
  • Professor/Associate Professor of Architecture History & Theory (Monash University)
  • Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Historic Preservation Program (University of Oregon)
  • Program Officer (Tenure Track), Historic Preservation Program (Andrew M. Mellon Foundation)
  • Program Director for Humanities, Arts, Education & American Institutions (American Academy of Arts & Sciences)
  • Tenure-Track/Full-Time Tenured Professor(s) of Architecture (The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art)
av福利社 Chapter and Partner News
The Minnesota Chapter of av福利社 won a Legacy Grant from Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund for its Modern Masters initiative. The chapter is conducting videotaped oral history interviews with Minnesota architects who were leaders in modern design after WWII. The interviews are about 90-minutes, with 15-minute edited versions also being produced. The full version plus transcript are intended for the historical record. The summary with added images will be posted at .

The talked to former av福利社/SCC president and long-time member Ted Wells last month about his upcoming book, Horizon Homes: Living the Concrete Dream, which celebrates the little-known early 1960s competition of progressive homes that use exposed concrete and masonry.

Join SEav福利社 in New Orleans September 29–October 1, 2016, for its annual conference! For details, please visit . Responses to the Call for Papers are due March 31. SEav福利社 offers travel grants to offset the cost of attending the conference. Grants are awarded to up to three graduate students and one emerging professional employed in a federal, state or local historic preservation office. Applications are available through the website.
Society of Historians of East European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture (SHERA) sponsored two sessions at 2016 CAA Annual Conference in Washington DC, the Meeting at the Hillwood Museum and Gardens, and hosted visitors from Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Russia, who were part of the CAA-Getty International Program. Deadline for proposals for the SHERA-sponsored session at 2017 CAA Conference: “,” is April 10, 2016.
Members in the News

av福利社 March Booklist
Read the  of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.