
av福利社 Members Among Awardees for Carter Manny Awards, Graham Foundation

Apr 13, 2016 by av福利社 NEWS
The Graham Foundation is pleased to announce the winners of the 2016 Carter Manny Award. Since the establishment of this award in 1996, the Graham Foundation has awarded over $740,000 in recognition of promising doctoral students whose dissertation projects represent original and advanced scholarship in architecture and have the exciting potential to move the field in new directions. Two Carter Manny Awards are given each year, one for dissertation research and one for dissertation writing.



Komp'iuter Architecture(s), 195X–198X
EVANGELOS KOTSIORIS (av福利社 member since 2015)
Princeton University, School of Architecture


Restoration, Displacement, Appropriation: Negotiating the Baroque Legacy in the National Fascist Party's Redesign of Rome 
ANNA MASCORELLA (av福利社 member since 2012)
Cornell University, Department of Architecture

Agritectures of the Green Revolution: Art, Architecture and the Agrilogistics of Transnational Aid from the United States to the Caribbean Region, 1930–1978 
NIKKI MOORE (av福利社 member since 2015)
Rice University, Department of Art History

For more information about the Graham Foundation 2016 Carter Manny Awards, .