Jul 14, 2016
Pauline Saliga, av福利社 Executive Director

In May 2016 after a successful av福利社 annual conference in Pasadena, Kathy Sturm, av福利社’s director of programs, decided to retire. Kathy, who came to av福利社 in 2006, worked tirelessly on managing 10 av福利社 annual conferences, dozens of study tours and study days, hundreds of fellowships and book awards, and thousands of AIA/CES accredited programs. av福利社 members who worked closely with Kathy as officers, chairs of conferences, and leaders of study programs appreciated her sense of humor, attention to detail, open-minded acceptance of change, and deep commitment to av福利社’s educational mission. At the end of any program, Kathy always said, “It will be better next year,” and that is exactly what we hope for Kathy in retirement. We wish her joy with her grandchildren and lots of time on the sunny beaches of Lake Michigan. We all will miss Kathy a great deal.