
Emerging Architectural Historians Win Awards from the Mellon Foundation and av福利社

Aug 30, 2016 by Architect, Journal of the AIA
Three scholars have been named as recipients of the 2016 av福利社/Mellon Author Award, which supports scholars working on their first book. The award is an initiative of the Society of Architectural Historians (av福利社), funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. None of the three books has been published yet. This year's recipients all focus on Germany before the Second World War:

Peter Christensen

Germany and the Ottoman Railways: Art, Empire, and Infrastructure (Yale University Press)

Itohan I. Osayimwese
Colonialism and the Archive of Modern Architecture in Germany (University of Pittsburgh Press)

Robin Schuldenfrei
Luxury and Modernism:  Architecture and the Object in Germany 1900-1933 (Princeton University Press)

av福利社 congratulates these members and authors on receiving this award. 

To read  the full article and brief biographies of each awardee, click .
More coverage from the Architects Newspaper .