October 2016 Volume LX, No. 10 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter |
| | Call for Session Proposals: av福利社 2018 St. Paul Conference The Society of Architectural Historians will offer a total of 36 paper sessions at its 2018 Annual International Conference in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Society invites its members, including graduate students and independent scholars, representatives of av福利社 chapters and partner organizations, to chair a session at the conference. As av福利社 membership is required to chair or present research at the annual conference, non-members who wish to chair a session are required to join av福利社 at the time they submit a session proposal. |
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| | av福利社/Mellon Author Award-Winning Books Now Available av福利社 is happy to announce that three of the book projects funded by the av福利社/Mellon Author Awards, which the society has administered since 2013, have been published to date. The awards are designed to provide financial relief to scholars who are publishing their first monograph on the history of the built environment, and who are responsible for paying for rights and permissions for images or for commissioning maps, charts or line drawings in their publications. |
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| | Lecture by Christopher Marcinkoski Architect Christopher Marcinkoski will lecture on Tuesday, October 25, as part of MAS Context’s 2016 Fall Talks series, organized in collaboration with av福利社. This lecture will explore the phenomenon of speculative urbanization, and the implications of its recent proliferation on the urban design disciplines. The lecture will draw from Mr. Marcinkoski’s recently published book, The City That Never Was, as well as his current research Africa 2040: An Atlas of Speculative Urbanization. |
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| | Call for Nominations: Jav福利社 Editorial Advisory Committee av福利社 invites nominations and self-nominations for two individuals to serve on the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Editorial Advisory Committee for a term of four years starting April 15, 2017. Jav福利社 features leading scholarship in the English language in all aspects of the history of the built environment. |
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| | The APT Building Technology Heritage Library Reaches 2 Million Downloads The Association for Preservation Technology (APT) Building Technology Heritage Library (BTHL) reached a major milestone in September 2016 with its two millionth download. The BTHL is an online archive of vintage architectural trade catalogs and other technical literature. |
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| | Highlights from av福利社ARA: Amber N. Wiley This is our first in a series on recent av福利社 award winners who have contributed new material to av福利社ARA. We begin with the photography of Amber Wiley, the inaugural winner of the H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship, which gives young scholars the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world to help enlarge their perspective on the built environment. |
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| | av福利社 Archipedia: Tennessee and Missouri Entries Added Fifty new entries from the state of Tennessee and twenty-five entries from the state of Missouri have been added to av福利社 Archipedia. The Tennessee material represents the first half of a list comprising the state's most representative buildings and sites. The new Missouri entries are drawn from the forthcoming Buildings of the United States volume by Osmund Overby, Carol Grove and Cole Woodcox. |
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| | Fjords and Repurposed Sites: Explorations around Iceland's Ring Road By Danielle S. Willkens, 2015 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
Last month, I noted that the September blog post would cover the Faroe Islands, but after an assessment of the material I gathered from my trip around the Ring Road of Iceland, it seemed more logical to draw my travels in Iceland to a close with this month’s post. October’s post will focus entirely on the Faroe Islands: the architecture, the infrastructure, and a number of tourist-centric sites on this largely untouched archipelago. |
Update your av福利社 Member Profile av福利社 member profiles have the capacity to capture valuable information on the interests and professional expertise of av福利社 members. When you complete your profile information, your fellow members are able to find you in the av福利社 Directory by expertise, institution or location. Help us improve this important networking tool by updating your member profile today. Fourth-Quarter av福利社 Donors The Board of Directors and av福利社 staff thanks its many donors for their gifts to support our mission and educational programs during the period from July 1–September 30, 2016. The complete list of donors for Fiscal Year 2016 is available . 2016 Aga Khan Award for Architecture Recipients Announced The winners of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture were announced on October 3rd in a ceremony in Abu Dhabi. The venue for the winners’ ceremony, the Al Jahili fort in Al-Ain, was also announced by His Excellency Awaidha Murshed Al Marar, Chairman of Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport and a member of the Executive Council of Abu Dhabi. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture at 50 To mark the 50th anniversary of the publication of Robert Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture (1966), The Museum of Modern Art and the University of Pennsylvania have co-organized a three-day symposium bringing together international scholars and architects to discuss the significance and enduring impact of this remarkable book, published by MoMA 50 years ago. |
Current av福利社 Opportunities : This November 4 Study Day features curator-led preview of Louis Kahn: The Power of Architecture at The San Diego Museum of Art and behind-the-scenes tour of the Salk Institute of Biological Studies and talk with conservators working on the building's restoration. Just 3 spots left - register now! : av福利社 will present its Awards to Architectural Excellence to Richard H. Driehaus, Sarah Herda and Peter Landon, FAIA on Friday, November 4, 2016, at The Racquet Club of Chicago. Tickets on sale now. : Permits a graduate student in architectural history or a related field to work on a 12-week HABS history project during the summer of 2017. Deadline December 31. : Annual fellowship that supports the participation of a graduate student in the research and writing for a volume in the BUS series and/or av福利社 Archipedia. Deadline January 2. |
av福利社 Chapter and Partner News
In New Orleans, celebrated historic preservation’s 50th! Two highlights are: St. Alphonsus Art and Cultural Center as an inspired setting for raising awareness about policy, practice, and cultural influences, and awarding the fellowship for an emerging preservation professional to Johna Picco. Her award-winning paper examined the career of Louise Leland, Kentucky’s first female architect, and the challenges Leland faced in her practice. Picco is an architectural archivist at The Filson Historical Society. is pleased to welcome a new institutional member, ARTMargins and , a journal devoted to contemporary art with a focus on Eastern Europe. SHERA panels and membership meeting will take place during the , from November 17–20 in Washington, D.C.
The is accepting nominations for , awarded annually to the publication that has made the most significant contribution to the study of vernacular architecture and cultural landscapes. The nomination deadline is December 15, 2016. |
av福利社 Career Center Visit the to view the jobs below or to purchase and post a job announcement.
Barnard College, Columbia University - Assistant Professor, Architectural History and Theory
Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design - Assistant or Associate Professor
UNSW Australia - Research Fellowships
Brandeis University - Assistant Professor in the History of Modern and Contemporary Architecture
Salve Regina University - Professor, Cultural and Historic Preservation
Pomona College - Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Medieval Mediterranean/Islamic Art History
New York University - Open Rank
Northwestern University - History of Architecture, Global Modern and Contemporary
Swarthmore College - Assistant Professor of Architectural History
Columbia University - Architectural History since 1800
UW-Madison, School of Human Ecology - Lynn and Gary Mecklenburg Chair of Textiles, Material Culture, and Design
Harvard University - Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor in Landscape Architectural History
Delft Univeristy of Technology - Assistant Professor of History and Architecture & Urban Planning
University of Basel - PhD Position in Urban Studies
Rice University - Wortham Fellowship |
Members in the News |
av福利社 October Booklist Read the of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library. |