January 2017 Volume LXI, No. 1 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter |

| | Registration is Open for the av福利社 2017 Glasgow Conference Early registration for the av福利社 70th Annual International Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, is now open! The conference marks the first time av福利社 has met outside North America in over 40 years and coincides with Scotland's Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology. Register now for the best rates and program availability. Tours are already selling out! |
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| | av福利社 Announces the 2016 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow The Society of Architectural Historians has awarded the 2016 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship to architectural historian and photographer Adeyemi Akande. The prestigious award allows an emerging scholar to travel anywhere in the world for one year to gain firsthand experience of the built environment through observation, photography, writing and sketching, and to acquire knowledge that will contribute to one’s profession and to society. |
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| | Highlights from av福利社ARA: Commerce, Part II A couple of months ago we highlighted a very small selection of the vast offerings in av福利社ARA related to commerce. This month we revisit this topic to see more of the wonderful places and things our members have documented and contributed. This selection of images includes imposing 19th-century department stores, humble stalls and dry goods stores, and inventively repurposed buildings. Again, we thank our members for their keen eyes, skill, and generosity in sharing these images. |
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 | | av福利社 Archipedia: Minnesota Entries Added Fifty new entries from the state of Minnesota have been added to av福利社 Archipedia. Compiled by Victoria M. Young, University of St. Thomas professor and Chair of Art History and av福利社 2nd Vice President, and historic landscape preservationist Frank Edgerton Martin, in collaboration with a variety of contributors, the selection embraces high style and vernacular architecture, natural and industrial landscapes, classical and modernist styles, and ranges from the prehistoric Jeffers Petroglyphs to the contemporary Target Field. |
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| | New Year Interlude: Two Architectural Pilgrimages By Danielle S. Willkens, 2015 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
In December, I traveled more than 2,000 miles around Cuba, exploring portions of the nation's central and southern provinces. My travels included a total of nearly two days on Viazul buses, ferry rides, day trips in a range of classic cars (with a handful of detours due to overheating engines), and an inter-Cuba flight where the use of any electronics or headphones were prohibited. |
Obituary: James S. Ackerman, Fav福利社 (1919-2016) Architectural historian James Ackerman, the Arthur Kingsley Porter Professor of Fine Arts Emeritus, died on December 31 in Cambridge. He was 97. A World War II veteran who discovered a lifelong passion for Renaissance architecture while stationed in Italy, Ackerman was an acclaimed scholar of Renaissance history and the theory of architecture. Obituary: Lloyd Engelbrecht (1927-2016) Professor Emeritus, Dr. Lloyd Engelbrecht (1927-2016), died peacefully in his sleep in hospice on New Year’s Eve after battling neuroendocrine cancer for half a year. He was a beloved faculty member of the Art History program at the University of Cincinnati, 1980-2001, where he taught the history of design, and modern art and architecture, and mentored twenty-four M.A. advisees. Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows Competition for Recent PhDs ACLS invites applications for the seventh competition of the Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows program. This year, the program will place up to 22 recent PhDs from the humanities and humanistic social sciences in two-year term staff positions at partnering organizations in government and the nonprofit sector. Further information about the application process and this year’s positions is available at . The application deadline is March 22, 2017. NEH Public Scholar Program The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) invites applications for the 2017 round of the Public Scholar Program, which is intended to support well-researched books in the humanities that have been conceived and written to reach a broad readership. Application guidelines are available on the NEH website at . The application deadline is February 1, 2017. First-Quarter Donor Recognition The Board of Directors and av福利社 staff thanks its first-quarter donors for their gifts to support our mission and educational programs during the period from October 1-December 31, 2016. . |
Current av福利社 Opportunities : av福利社 seeks scholar contributors to produce thematic and place-based essays that will interpret the built environment of the United States—buildings, infrastructure, and landscapes. Deadline January 31. |
av福利社 Chapter and Partner News
February 9 NEav福利社 Annual Meeting, 6pm. Lecture, 7pm. Trinity Church, Copley Square, Boston. Keith Morgan, Professor Emeritus, History of Art and Architecture, Boston University, will speak on the topic of Trinity Church on its 140th anniversary; he is a co-author for a new guidebook published in October. He will examine the ways that historians have interpreted the building over time as well as summarizing its significance and evolution. Visit .
Join SEav福利社 in Lynchburg, Virginia, October 11-14, 2017, for its annual conference! For details, please visit . Responses to the Call for Papers are due March 31. SEav福利社 offers travel grants to offset the cost of attending the conference. Grants are awarded to up to three graduate students and one emerging professional employed in a federal, state, or local historic preservation office. Applications are available through the website.
The 2017 Vernacular Architecture Forum Conference will take place May 31-June 3 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The focus of the conference is on the Great Basin and how the vast interior of the western U.S. was transformed beginning in the 19th century into one of the world’s most distinctive regional landscapes. Read more at .
Registration is open for the Visual Resources Association's 34th Annual Conference, "Unbridled Opportunities" to be held in Louisville, KY, March 29-April 1, 2017. Early registration ends February 28, 2017. Register at . |
av福利社 Career Center Visit the to view the jobs below or to purchase and post a job announcement.
Renaissance Development - Administrative/Production Associate
Rice University - Spatial Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow
Rutgers University - Postdoctoral Associate in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies
Rice University - Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Architecture and the Humanities
MIT-HTC - Project Manager, Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative (GAHTC)
University of Massachusetts Lowell - Visiting Lecturer, Art History
Texas A&M University - Tenure-Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor Positions
Vanderbilt University - Mellon Assistant Professor of Asian Art |
av福利社 in the News (The Scotsman - January 13, 2017) (The National - January 11, 2017) (The Herald Scotland - January 11, 2017) (Daily Record - January 11, 2017) |
Members in the News |
av福利社 January Booklist Read the of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library. |
New av福利社 Members av福利社 welcomes our newest members:
Ann Alspaugh, Vyta Baselice, Heather V. Butler, Andrea Coccorese, Maria Counts, Azra Dawood, Erika deBroekert, Colin Fanning, Clara Garofalo, Will Gebauer, Douglas Hartig, Travis Hope, Stephanie Jamrog, Morgan Sykes Jaybush, Eliyahu Keller, K. M. Kosut, Lin Lin, Anna Marcum, Nicole Meyer, Amanda Morrow, Daniel Nadenicek, Miriam Paeslack, James Poulson, George Punnoose, Anna Ripatti, Reyhan Sabri, Mor Segal, Hannah Simonson, Danny Smith, Deborah Stein, Jennifer Stern, Steven Trout, Scott Williams, Paola Zellner, and Boyuan Zhang |