
February 2017 Newsletter

Feb 16, 2017 by av福利社 News

February 2017 Volume LXI, No. 2 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
  av福利社 Names 2017 Fellows
The Board of Directors names as Fellows of av福利社 five individuals who have distinguished themselves by a lifetime of significant contributions to the field of architectural history such as scholarship, service to the Society or stewardship of the built environment. The 2017 av福利社 Fellows, Michael Blackwood, Rosemarie Haag Bletter, Christopher Curtis Mead, Joan Ockman and Joseph Rykwert. will be inducted at the av福利社 2017 Annual International Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

chareau   An In-Depth Look at Pierre Chareau
Join Esther da Costa Meyer for an in-depth look at the French designer and architect Pierre Chareau (1883–1950) at the Jewish Museum. Organized by da Costa Meyer, Pierre Chareau: Modern Architecture and Design is the first U.S. exhibition focused on the internationally recognized designer and showcases more than 180 rarely-seen works from major public and private collections in Europe and the United States. Registration is open and limited to 30 participants.

logo   av福利社 Statement on the Recent US Immigration Ban            
av福利社 strongly opposes the Executive Order signed by President Donald J. Trump on 27 January 2017 that limits the admission of non-citizens to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries. av福利社 is a US-based organization that is international in its membership and the scope of its inquiry. As a consequence of its global perspective, av福利社 stands in solidarity with colleagues in the US and around the world who are affected by the executive order.

  Buildings of Wisconsin Now Available
From Milwaukee to Madison, Racine to Eau Claire, La Crosse to Sheboygan, and scores of places in between, tradition and progressivism have shaped Wisconsin's architectural landscape. This latest volume in the Society of Architectural Historians' Buildings of the United States series showcases noteworthy and representative sites across the state's six major regions and seventy-two counties.

Manny   Obituary: Carter H. Manny, Jr. (1918-2017)             
We at the Society of Architectural Historians were saddened to learn about the death of Carter Manny, Jr., Chicago architect, writer and former director of the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. During Carter’s tenure, the Graham Foundation provided generous seed funding to study creating av福利社’s Buildings of the United States series in the mid-1980s and provided partial funding for many of the early books in the series in the early-1990s.

av福利社2017   UK Visa Information and Travel Discounts for av福利社 Glasgow Conference
Discounts on airline travel and airport shuttle service for the av福利社 2017 Glasgow conference are now available on the Hotel & Transportation page, along with information regarding UK visas. Early registration ends Tuesday, March 14, 2017.

  av福利社 American Architecture and Landscape Field Trip Program Makes Second Grant to artworxLA
Once again av福利社 is happy to partner with artworxLA to re-engage L.A. teens at the highest risk of exiting high school without a diploma. For the Fall 2016 season, artworxLA partnered with the L.A. Conservancy to create an eleven-week high school class titled "Preserving Your L.A.: People and Places that Matter.”

archipedia   Call for Lesson Plans for av福利社 Archipedia
av福利社 Archipedia is an authoritative online encyclopedia of the built world published jointly by the Society of Architectural Historians (av福利社) and the University of Virginia Press. av福利社 is seeking educators to produce K-12 lesson plans that align with Common Core standards and include an introduction to the subject, learning objectives, activities/assignments, assessment criteria, and resources.

WI   av福利社 Archipedia: Wisconsin Entries Added
We are happy to announce the addition of 774 entries covering the state of Wisconsin to av福利社 Archipedia, with 100 of these accessible via av福利社 Archipedia Classic Buildings. This material comprises the full text of the just-released Buildings of Wisconsin by Marsha Weisiger and a team of authors.

mosaic   Highlights from av福利社ARA: Patricia Blessing
This is our second Highlights feature on recent av福利社 award winners who have contributed new material to av福利社ARA. This month we are looking at Patricia Blessing, the second recipient of the H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship, which gives young scholars the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world to help enlarge their perspective on the built environment.

Cushman   Vietnam and Cambodia Field Seminar Report
By Carrie L. Cushman, av福利社 Study Program Fellowship Recipient
“Architectural Layers of a Southeast Asian Region”—from the moment the tour began the title of our seminar rang true, as we uncovered the layers of cultural influences, political events and historical shifts that shape the current architectural landscape of Vietnam. The modern histories of French colonialism, the communist revolution, and the subsequent war with America often overshadow the fact that Vietnam was ruled by China for nearly 1,000 years.

lintel   Images from av福利社 Field Seminar to Vietnam & Cambodia
H. Hazel Hahn, professor at Seattle University, led the av福利社 Field Seminar "Architectural Layers of a Southeast Asian Region," on December 1-13, 2016. Participants visited sites in the Vietnamese cities of Hanoi, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City, as well as the Angkor complex in Cambodia. View photos taken on the seminar at the link below.

cuba   Prados and Plazas: Investigations into the Cultural Resources and Key Urban Elements of the Island
By Danielle S. Willkens, 2015 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
Home to some of the first permanent structures in the New World, the architecture of Cuba is characterized by myriad styles and influences, ranging from Spanish Colonial and Baroque to Neoclassicism and experimental Modernism. With nine designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Cuba has one of the highest concentrations of recognized, ‘”globally significant” sites in the Americas.

Call for Volunteers: av福利社 2017 Glasgow Conference
Volunteer sign-up is now open for av福利社's 2017 Annual International Conference. Every year, we have a number of dedicated and enthusiastic local volunteers who assist us in welcoming the 500+ conference participants. We have numerous opportunities for volunteering at the conference including staffing the registration desk, monitoring paper sessions and roundtables, and other tasks. We also need volunteers to help with tour-check in and assist the tour leader, which means you get to participate in the tour for free.

New Jav福利社 Review Editors Announced for 2017-18
Two new Book Review Editors have been appointed for the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (Jav福利社). As of the December 2017 issue, Ewan Branda, Woodbury University School of Architecture, will commission reviews of multimedia projects. Richard Anderson, University of Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, will commission reviews of exhibition beginning with the June 2018 issue.

Preservation Advocacy Page Updates
Letters regarding the proposed expansion of the Hood Museum at Dartmouth College and the proposed renovation of Kresge College produced by av福利社's Heritage and Conservation Committee have been posted to the page on the av福利社 website. Proclamations endorsed by the av福利社 Board of Directors have been added to the page as well.
Current av福利社 Opportunities
: Underwrites membership, travel and lodging expenses related to attending the av福利社 2017 Annual International Conference in Glasgow. Open to graduate students and advanced undergraduates enrolled in architectural history and theory programs in the Greater Philadelphia region. Deadline March 1.
av福利社 Chapter and Partner News
Marion Dean Ross/Pacific Northwest Chapter Call for Papers 2017 Proposals for papers or work-in-progress reports are solicited for the 2017 conference of Pacific Northwest Chapter of the av福利社. The meeting will be held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, June 16-18, 2017. Given this year’s “Canada 150” celebrations, our theme is “Commemorations.” Topics germane to the theme will be given priority; however, other proposals are also welcome. For more information, go to .

Seasonal color and architectural heights draw SEav福利社 to Lynchburg, Virginia, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, October 11-14, for the annual conference. Plenaries by S. Allen Chambers, author of Lynchburg An Architectural History and What Style Is It?, and Travis McDonald, restoration director of Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, will orient SEav福利社 to the Hill City and its innovative preservation landscape. Join us for ! CFP responses and travel grant applications are welcomed.

Following January elections, Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture () welcomed new board officers, Eva Forgacs assumed the position of the President after Natasha Kurchanova. SHERA is processing the change of the communication platform from a university-based Listserv to H-NET. The that highlights the research of emerging scholars, and the are scheduled at 2017 CAA Annual Conference, February 15-18, NYC.
av福利社 Career Center
Visit the to view the jobs below or to purchase and post a job announcement.
University of Pittsburgh - Teaching Position (Non-Tenure Stream)
University of Edinburgh - Lectureship (Asst. Professorship) in Architectural History - Early Modern
University of Kentucky - Clay Lancaster / Abell Endowed Chair in Historic Preservation
Rice University - Spatial Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow
Rice University - Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Architecture and the Humanities
Members in the News

av福利社 February Booklist
Read the  of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.
New av福利社 Members
av福利社 welcomes our newest members:
Mary Anthony, Paulina Banas, Jacob Bensen, Hector Berdecia, Judith Bing, Matthias Boeckl, Jonathan Boyer, Alexandria Brown-Hedjazi, Miriam Cera, Nuno Correia, Nele De Raedt, Christopher Domin, Francois Dufaux, Andrew Elders, Cynthia Falk, Sarah Feinberg, Marilyn Field, Aglaya Glebova, Caitlin Hart, Samantha Hudson, Michael Kenneally, Thomas-Bernard Kenniff, Karen Kevorkian, John Kurtz, Maria Irene Lattarulo, Mark McMillan, Federica Mentasti, Clare Monardo, Jennifer Mortensen, Mr. Prescott Muir, Eran Neuman, Phi Nguyen, Bryan Norwood, Catherine Novotny, Faraz Olfat, Lisa Padilla, Ashley Paine, Marcel Quimby, Baihua Ren, Nicholas Risteen, Etien Santiago, Matthew Scarlett, Lara Schrijver, matteo sintini, Sr., Fazilat Soukhakian, Donald Straub, Mr. Mark Wagner, and Michael Walker