
May 2017 Newsletter

May 17, 2017 by av福利社 News

May 2017 Volume LXI, No. 5 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
Glasgow    av福利社 Glasgow Seminar, "Making and Re-Making Glasgow: Heritage and Sustainability"
av福利社 will present "Making and Re-Making Glasgow: Heritage and Sustainability" on Saturday, June 10, during its 2017 Annual International Conference in Glasgow. The Seminar is open to the public and will bring together speakers, conference delegates, and local residents in conversation about the ways in which advocacy for heritage and sustainability can work in concert with one another.


  Mackintosh: Materials & Materiality
On June 7, the 149th birthday of Scotland's renowned architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868–1928), The Glasgow School of Art will present the symposium “Mackintosh: Materials and Materiality," with av福利社. Currently there are several major projects underway to restore and/or reconstruct Mackintosh's architectural and design work, and the Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society has recently completed a condition survey of all extant Mackintosh sites.

  av福利社 Award for Film and Video
av福利社 is accepting nominations for the 2018 av福利社 Award for Film and Video. Established in 2013, the annual award recognizes the most distinguished work of film or video on the history of the built environment. The submission deadline is July 1, 2017.

  av福利社 Publication Awards
av福利社 is accepting nominations for the 2018 av福利社 Publication Awards, which honor the most distinguished publications in architectural history, urban history, landscape history, preservation, and architectural exhibition catalogues. av福利社 also presents the Founders' Award for an outstanding Jav福利社 article written by an emerging scholar in the previous two years. The submission deadline is July 1, 2017.

  Save the Date: av福利社 Awards Gala
av福利社 will present the Awards for Architectural Excellence to Col. Jennifer N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Ret), Ralph Johnson, FAIA, Sharon Johnston, and Mark Lee at the 8th annual Awards Gala on Friday, November 17, 2017. The gala benefits the educational mission of av福利社 and the restoration of its Landmark headquarters, the Charnley-Perksy House.

attendees    Please Support the av福利社 Annual Fund Today
The Annual Fund helps carry out av福利社's educational mission, maintain the robust resources we offer members, and expand our collective understanding of the built environment. Please make a contribution of any size to the av福利社 Annual Fund today to support our vital programs.

  av福利社 Archipedia: Alabama and Maine Entries Added
New entries from the states of Alabama and Maine have been added to av福利社 Archipedia. Sixty-four Alabama entries, including fourteen linked entries, comprise the first half of a list of Alabama’s most representative buildings and sites compiled by state coordinator Robert Gamble.

  av福利社ARA Highlights: Icons
In previous highlights from av福利社ARA, we’ve emphasized the breadth and depth of the collection to illustrate the diversity of interests of our contributors and to demonstrate the broad utility of its images to scholars around the world. This month, we’ve gone back to the canonical well to show what fine images are available for those teaching survey or introduction to architecture.

gothic    Awe-chitecture and Ornamentation of Gothic Cathedrals
By 'Deyemi Akande, 2016 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
If you, like me, respond fairly well to the beauty of intricacy, then you can imagine the sensation that one experiences when greeted by the interior of a Gothic Cathedral—When I entered the upper chapel of Sainte Chapelle, I needed to sit for a while to gather myself and process the visual information—the beauty of stained glass, mortar and purpose was so brilliantly delivered and perfectly articulated by the grammar of ornaments.

  Railroads and Reconstructions: Transportation as a Tourism Conduit in Central Honshu
By Danielle S. Willkens, 2015 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
April was a month of holidays and celebrations in Japan, ranging from Hana-matsuri [Buddha’s birthday] to Easter Holidays that released most schoolchildren from their studies for two weeks. These events also coincided with the full blooming of sakura [cherry blossoms] in much of Central Honshu, the region roughly bounded by Kyoto to the west and Tyoko to the east.


Next Steps in the Fight to #SavetheNEH
By Beatrice Gurwitz, Associate Director, National Humanities Alliance
Two days before President Trump’s inauguration, we awoke to reports that the transition team was contemplating a proposal to eliminate funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). On March 16, after almost two months of near silence on the subject, the administration released a budget blueprint even more threatening to humanities programs than had been initially reported.

Architectural Historian Brian Brace Taylor Passes Away
The architectural historian Brian Brace Taylor passed away on April 15, aged 73. He was a professor of architecture at The New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) and the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville.
Current av福利社 Opportunities
: Volunteer signup is open for the av福利社 2017 Annual International Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, June 7-11.

: These awards provide financial relief to scholars who are publishing their first monograph on the history of the built environment and who are responsible for paying for image rights and permissions. Deadline June 1.

: av福利社 is accepting abstracts for its 71st Annual International Conference in Saint Paul, MN, April 18-22, 2018. Deadline June 15.

: Open to current full-time graduate students and emerging professionals to participate in the av福利社 Field Seminar to China, December 26-January 7. Deadline August 31.

: This twelve-day trip led by Nancy Steinhardt will offer an in-depth view of South China’s cities, buildings, and sites. December 26-January 7. Registration deadline September 28.
av福利社 Chapter and Partner News
The Latrobe Chapter of av福利社 is for its 12th Biennial Symposium, "City and Capital: Building Washington, DC, as Home and Symbol." The symposium will take place on October 28, 2017, at The Catholic University of America School of Architecture and Planning. The submission deadline is July 1, 2017.

is now accepting nominations for its . This annual award honors a project in the SEav福利社 region that preserves, rehabilitates or restores a historic property in an outstanding manner. The award will be presented in Lynchburg during the SEav福利社 conference (October 11-14, 2017). Questions? Please contact Blake Wintory at lakeport.ar@gmail.com.
Architectural Histories, the journal of the EAHN, invites paper abstracts for a special themed issue on Resilience and Recovery in architectural history and historiography. View the call for papers . Deadline June 1, 2017. 

SHERA established a new network on H-Net, which translates the communications from listserv to the more powerful platform that allows  to build and archive resources. H-SHERA is sustained by Advisory Board, system administrator, and the list editors.
av福利社 Career Center
Visit the to view the jobs below or to purchase and post a job announcement.

University of New Mexico - Visiting Assistant Professor of Architectural History / Architecture Teaching Fellow
UVA School of Architecture - Project Manager, Landscape Studies Initiative
UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture - Princeton-Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities Fellows
av福利社 In the News
 - The Architect's Newspaper (May 2, 2017)
Members in the News
av福利社 May Booklist
Read the of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.
New av福利社 Members
av福利社 welcomes our newest members: James Appraiser, Laura Casale, Moira Conzelman, Tami Cook, Jorge Danta-Spector, James Douglas, Craig Henry, Isabel Hill, Rory Lamb, James Legard, Melanie Macchio, Alex Maymind, Nadya Nilina, Jenna Jones Paradis, Jason Przybylski, Anna Rebecca Sartore, Michael Toler, and Karol Williams.