
July 2017 Newsletter

Jul 20, 2017 by av福利社 News

July 2017 Volume LXI, No. 7 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
conference    Recap of the av福利社 2017 Glasgow Conference
When the Society of Architectural Historians made the decision to hold its Annual International Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, we knew it was a captivating place from the standpoint of its architecture, parks, and cultural institutions, but we had no idea how warmly we would be welcomed by the “People Who Make Glasgow.”


  2017 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship
av福利社 is accepting applications for the 2017 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship. The $50,000 fellowship will allow a recent graduate or emerging scholar to study by travel internationally for one year. The fellowship is not for the purpose of doing research for an advanced academic degree. Instead, Professor Brooks intended the recipient to study by travel and contemplation while observing, reading, writing, or sketching.

  2018 av福利社 av福利社 Grants for Emerging Professionals
av福利社 is accepting applications for av福利社 Grants. These awards provide emerging scholars with a one-year av福利社 membership to bridge the gap between the Society's subsidized student memberships and the full-cost av福利社 memberships. This is intended for entry-level college and university professors and other new professionals engaged in the study of the built environment.

  Glessner House Museum Develops New Tour Program with av福利社 Grant
The Glessner House Museum in Chicago was awarded a grant from the Society of Architectural Historians’ American Architecture and Landscape Field Trip Program to develop tours specifically geared toward underserved third grade students residing on the South Side of Chicago.

Robie    Call for Partnerships: av福利社 American Architecture and Landscape Field Trip Program
av福利社 seeks partners to organize tours of the built environment for our youth-oriented American Architecture and Landscape Field Trip program. Created to provide opportunities for underserved students from the third grade through high school, av福利社 offers grants to not-for-profits to organize tours for young people on the history of architecture, parks, gardens, and town/city planning.

Begovaia    av福利社ARA Highlights: Russia
In addition to being a persistent political stumbling block, Russia is a place. This month, we’re calling attention to the rich architectural heritage of Russia, including log churches, neoclassical palaces, and Soviet housing blocks. Twentieth-century Moscow is abundantly represented in the av福利社ARA collection, but there are also many images of historic buildings in other cities and in the rural hinterlands.

    Study Day Fellowship Report: Special Preview of Frank Lloyd Wright Exhibition at MoMA
By Federica Mentasti, PhD Candidate, ETH Zürich
On June 2, 2017, a few days before Frank Lloyd Wright’s 150th birth anniversary, two dozen historians, professors, curators and architecture-enthusiasts were offered the exclusive opportunity to attend a special preview of the major exhibition organized by MoMA for the occasion.

    A Year as the av福利社 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow: Reflections on Travel, Time, and Technology
By Danielle S. Willkens, 2015 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
Even though I am, once again, immersed in university teaching and a few burgeoning research projects, I know that I will be processing the experiences of the av福利社 Brooks Fellowship for years to come and it is not an understatement to say that the sponsored travels have shaped a new trajectory for my interests and advocacy within the development and preservation of built environment.

    Medieval Masons and Gothic Cathedrals
By 'Deyemi Akande, 2016 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
There is an old legend that suggests that the striking design of the Cologne Cathedral was in fact given to Master Gerhard of Ryle by the devil. Even the ability to build the impossible structure was ascribed to the same source. In fairness to this fable, the size and magnificence of the Cologne Cathedral is worthy of otherworldly credits, and it makes good sense that a fantastic legend such as this is the only way Middle Age Cologne could explain this incredible structure taking shape before their eyes.


av福利社 is on AmazonSmile
Amazon will donate .5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to av福利社 when you shop using .

ACLS Announces New Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowships
This is the time of year that the American Council of Learned Societies opens applications for numerous grants, fellowships, and postdocs. Many have deadlines coming up so visit the of their website. Also this year ACLS is pleased to announce a new fellowship program, .

Third-Quarter Donor Recognition
The Board of Directors and av福利社 staff thanks its many donors for their gifts to support our mission and educational programs during the period from April 1–June 30, 2017. View the .

Register Today for PastForward Preservation Conference in Chicago
Join your preservation peers and colleagues from across the country in Chicago, Nov. 14-17, for the premier educational and networking event for those who are passionate about saving places. This year, PastForward explores the next generation of preservation tools and techniques. Don’t miss out—register today at .
Current av福利社 Opportunities
: In partnership with GAHTC, av福利社 is offering Research-to-Teaching Grants and Field Seminar Travel Grants. 

: The av福利社 Board seeks nominations for the 2018 class of av福利社 Fellows, those individuals who have distinguished themselves by a lifetime of significant contributions to the field. Deadline August 1.

: Open to current full-time graduate students and emerging professionals to participate in the av福利社 Field Seminar to China, December 26-January 7. Deadline August 31.

: The av福利社 Nominating Committee seeks your nominations for five new av福利社 Board members and a Second Vice President. Deadline September 1.

: Save the date for the av福利社 8th Annual Awards Gala on Friday, November 17, 2017. The Society will present  Awards for Architectural Excellence to Ralph Johnson, FAIA, Sharon Johnston and Mark Lee, and Col. Jennifer N. Pritzer.
av福利社 Chapter and Partner News
The Latrobe Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians will host its in Washington, DC, October 28, 2017, with the theme "City and Capital: Building Washington, DC, as Home and Symbol."

The Editorial Board of Architectural Histories seeks to appoint a Reviews Editor for publications and other research-based outputs covering the history of architecture and the built environment before 1800. Architectural Histories is the online open access journal of the EAHN. Deadline August 31. View the call for applications .

The for the 2017 National Humanities Conference (Boston, 2-5 Nov) is open. The conference is the second in a series of joint Federation and National Humanities Alliance national meetings. The deadline for Working Group participants is July 28, and the deadline for Lightning Round presenters is October 20.
av福利社 Career Center
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Princeton University - Postdoctoral Fellowship
Members in the News

av福利社 July Booklist
Read the of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.
New av福利社 Members
av福利社 welcomes our newest members: Hillary Adam, David Crown, Judith Dupre, Laure Emery, Joseph Gravius, III, Angela Gunn, Erin Hammond, Da Hyung Jeong, Hollyamber Kennedy, Ruth Knack, Kathleen Kullberg, Fabiola Lopez-Duran, Martin Perdue, Kate Singleton, Abbey Stockstill, Jane Thomas, Katherine Wallace, and Sam Watters.