
August 2017 Newsletter

Aug 14, 2017 by av福利社 News

August 2017 Volume LXI, No. 8 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
tenement    av福利社/Mellon Author Award Winners
av福利社 has named Chanchal Dadlani, Farhan Karim, Fabiola Lopez-Duran, Conor P. Lucey, Sun-Young Park, Avigail Sachs, Suzanne Strum and Zachary J. Violette as the recipients of the 2017 av福利社/Mellon Author Awards. These awards are designed to provide financial relief to scholars who are publishing their first monograph on the history of the built environment, and who are responsible for paying for rights and permissions for images or for commissioning maps, charts or line drawings in their publications.


  av福利社 Awards Gala Tickets On Sale September 5
av福利社 will present the av福利社 Awards for Architectural Excellence at its 8th Annual Awards Gala on Friday, November 17, at the Racquet Club of Chicago. This year's honorees include Ralph Johnson, FAIA, Sharon Johnston, FAIA and Mark Lee, and Col. Jennifer N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Ret). Tickets go on sale Tuesday, September 5.

  Edilia and François-Auguste de Montêquin Fellowship
av福利社 is accepting applications for the Edilia and François-Auguste de Montêquin Fellowship. This award provides support for travel related to research on Spanish, Portuguese, or Ibero-American architecture. Stipends for a junior scholar and a senior scholar will be awarded in 2018.

Saint Paul    Call for Meeting Room Request: av福利社 2018 Saint Paul Conference
The Society of Architectural Historians is accepting proposals for roundtable discussions, meetings, and informational presentations for the av福利社 2018 Annual International Conference to be held in Saint Paul, MN, April 18–22. A limited number of slots will be available for the midday break and during the hours of the daily conference proceedings.

logo    av福利社 Dues Increase as of October 1, 2017
The av福利社 Board has approved a small dues increase for av福利社 members starting October 1, 2017, coinciding with the start of av福利社’s fiscal year. As av福利社 increases its member benefits, its operating costs continue to increase. Please know we strive to keep your membership dues as low as possible, scrutinizing any cost savings we can make, without discontinuing any member services.

Macedonia Palace Hotel    av福利社ARA Highlights: 2015 av福利社-Getty International Program Grantees
We are overdue in recognizing the av福利社-Getty International Program recipients who attended the av福利社 2015 Annual International Conference in Chicago and who contributed wonderfully diverse content to av福利社ARA. If you were lucky enough to meet any of the recipients, you know how much enthusiasm they brought to the conference.

dome    The Dome as Ornament
By 'Deyemi Akande, 2016 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
Since the start of my tours, I have only had the opportunity to see cathedrals of the Gothic genre. So you can imagine my delight as I made my way to the Berlin Cathedral. Camera in hand without a care in the world, I had the mien of a kid going to a candy store. I must confess, more than anything I have come to see, the cathedral dome remains priority.


Discount on av福利社/Mellon Author Award-Winning Book  
University of Pittsburgh Press is offering a 30% discount plus free shipping (U.S. and Canada) for av福利社 members for Itohan Osayimwese’s new book, , funded in part by an av福利社/Mellon Author Award. Individuals can order at , and enter Promo Code av福利社17 in the shopping cart to receive the special price + shipping. The books's ISBN number is 9780822945086. This offer will expire 12/31/2017.

Getty Library Research Grants 
Applications for the 2018 Getty Library Research Grants are now available . The deadline to apply is October 16, 2017. Getty Library Research Grants provide partial, short-term support to researchers of all nationalities whose projects demonstrate a compelling need to use Getty Research Institute materials, and whose place of residence is more than 80 miles from the Getty Center in Los Angeles. Please contact GRI Library Reference with any questions at reference@getty.edu.

Getty Scholars Program
The 2018/2019 academic year at the Getty Research Institute will be devoted to . Monuments and the monumental address fundamental questions of art and architectural history such as size and scale. Applicants are encouraged to address monumentality in all of its distinct forms, as embodied by various cultures and powers throughout history. Research trajectories to consider include the role of monumentality as a tool for nation building, the subversive potential of monument making, and the monumental in buildings, sculptures, installations, murals, and even small-scale objects. Application available . The application deadline is October 2, 2017. 
Current av福利社 Opportunities
: In partnership with GAHTC, av福利社 is offering Research-to-Teaching Grants and Field Seminar Travel Grants. 

: Open to current full-time graduate students and emerging professionals to participate in the av福利社 Field Seminar to China, December 26-January 7. Deadline August 31.

: The av福利社 Nominating Committee seeks your nominations for five new av福利社 Board members and a Second Vice President. Deadline September 1.

: av福利社 seeks partners to organize tours of the built environment for our youth-oriented American Architecture and Landscape Field Trip program. Deadline September 1. 

: This $50,000 award allows a recent graduate or emerging scholar to study by travel for one year. Deadline October 1.

: This award provides emerging scholars with a one-year electronic av福利社 membership. Deadline October 1.
av福利社 Chapter and Partner News
Registration for SEav福利社 Lynchburg is open! Come to the Hill City for conference papers and tours set against a backdrop of seasonal color. Lynchburg’s architectural landscape stretches from Federal to Mid-Century Modern, catalogued in four historic districts downtown with a fifth drawn around Harlem Renaissance poet and activist Anne Spencer. A signature of our annual conference will be a private event at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest. Join us October 11-14, 2017. To register, visit .

(SHERA) is sponsoring a panel at the upcoming that will take place at Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile on 9-12 November 2017. The Emerging Scholar Prize will be announced prior to the event. SHERA av福利社 meeting is scheduled for November 11, 12-1:30 pm, 4th, Armitage Room, followed by av福利社 dinner at 8 pm.
av福利社 Career Center
Visit the to view the jobs below or to purchase and post a job announcement
Princeton University - Assistant Professor, Tenure Track
Colorado College - Lecturer Architectural History
KU Leuven - Junior Research Assistant/Designer
Members in the News

av福利社 August Booklist
Read the of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.
New av福利社 Members
av福利社 welcomes our newest members: William Butler, Nicole Foss, John Garton, Susan Holden, Maura Jackson, Shinya Katayama, Shelby Linck, Michal Murawski, Pania Mu, Aino Niskanen, Saleh Miller, Mark Schneider, Christina Shivers, Rose Tomasulo-Diamond, and Kathleen Wackrow.