February 2018 Volume LXII, No. 2 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter |
 | | av福利社 Names 2018 Class of Fellows The Society of Architectural Historians is pleased to announce the 2018 class of av福利社 Fellows. Eve Blau, Swati Chattopadhyay, Kenneth Frampton and Henry H. Kuehn will be inducted as av福利社 Fellows at the Society’s 71st Annual International Conference Awards Ceremony on April 20, in Saint Paul, Minnesota. |
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| | Early Registration Ends February 20 Early registration for the av福利社 2018 Saint Paul conference ends February 20. Register early for the lowest rates and best selection of tours. On February 21, registration rates will increase and registration for tours will open to the public. |
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| | Call for Volunteers The Society seeks volunteers to assist with running the av福利社 71st Annual Conference in Saint Paul, April 18-22, 2018. Those who have registered for the conference and complete six (6) or more hours as a volunteer will receive a 50% rebate off their registration fee after the meeting. |
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| | av福利社 Dissertation and Graduate Programs Lists Updated av福利社 is in the process of updating and expanding our lists of dissertations and graduate programs in architectural history and related fields. The lists of dissertations completed and underway are updated but not comprehensive. As we move forward, the lists will include dissertations undertaken at institutions outside the US. |
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| | Instructions for Accessing Member Resources Instructions on how to access Jav福利社 Online, the Jav福利社 Archive and av福利社 Archipedia; submit to Members in the News; search the av福利社 Directory and use other av福利社 member resources are available on the av福利社 website. |
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| | New Deal Utopias Photographer Jason Reblando will lecture on Thursday, February 22, as part of MAS Context’s 2018 Spring Talks series. The event will take place at av福利社 headquarters, the Charnley-Persky House in Chicago. |
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| | av福利社ARA Highlights: Presidential Monuments With the American holiday Presidents’ Day on the horizon, this month’s av福利社ARA Highlights include photographs of presidential shrines. av福利社ARA’s supporters have contributed an abundance of images of sites that participate in the mythology of the American presidents, from the Washington Monument to the recent Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. |
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| | av福利社 Archipedia: Minnesota's 100 Classic Buildings Completed We are pleased to announce the completion of Minnesota's 100 Classic Buildings on av福利社 Archipedia. Coordinators Victoria M. Young and Frank Edgerton Martin worked with a team of contributors to produce a range of buildings and sites that illustrate the state’s architectural history, including Cass Gilbert’s Minnesota State Capitol and Louis Sullivan’s National Farmer’s Bank. |
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| | In Search of Chinese Architecture By Yan Wencheng, China Field Seminar Fellowship Recipient
It’s the first day of the tour. We are in Shanghai for the China Field Seminar of the Society of Architectural Historians. The itinerary is intense; it will take us to a wide range of buildings, from the Han tombs from over 2000 years ago, to the Shanghai World Financial Center completed in 2008, and just about everything in between: classical gardens, private houses, religious edifices and vernacular buildings, in Shanghai, Suzhou, Zhenjiang, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Hangzhou, Guiyang and Guangzhou in 10 short days. |
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| | Ruin as Ornament By ‘Deyemi Akande, 2016 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
I am not from a culture that values ruined objects. We see and relate to them more as an eyesore than vestiges of a great past. In fact, culturally, we are obligated to repair, replace or remove ruined objects. As a historian, who is also Yoruba, being in Greece presents a chronic and well-founded conflict within me. |
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Time to #SavetheNEH Again The Trump administration has again issued a budget request for FY 2019 that calls for the elimination of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), along with other cultural agencies. Last year, the National Humanities Alliance (NHA) sent a forceful message to Congress that it opposed the administration’s efforts. While the appropriations process for FY 2018 has not yet been completed, Congress has rejected Trump’s proposal at every turn.
Now is the time to speak out again to ensure that Congress again rejects these proposals. that you support the NEH. Learn more about the proposal to eliminate the NEH . French Heritage Society Architect in Residence The Château de Chambord welcomes each year an artist/architect in residence in the Château for a 3-month period in the Fall. The Château is looking to welcome an architect wishing to pursue a personal research ideally linked to heritage, education and historic architecture in France. In addition to time allocated for personal research, the successful candidate will be asked to work on an architectural project on the theme: “Chambord – 500 years after”, contributing their ideas to a virtual architectural project. Two positions available. Application deadline February 20. New Bogliasco Foundation Fellowship The Bogliasco Foundation is pleased to announce a new residential fellowship for an American scholar in European art/architectural history. The five-week fellowship, which will take place at the Foundation’s Study Center near Genoa during the Spring 2019 semester, includes full room and board and a travel stipend of $1000. Open to American art/architecture historians of all ages who are working on pre-modern projects (antiquity to early 19th century), and who are not currently in a degree-granting program. The Application deadline is April 15th, 2018. Visit . |
Current av福利社 Opportunities : In partnership with GAHTC, av福利社 is offering Research-to-Teaching Grants and Field Seminar Travel Grants. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. : This program funds architecture and landscape field trips for underserved students in grades 3 through high school. Application deadline March 1. |
av福利社 Chapter & Partner News The (NEav福利社) has awarded C. Ian Stevenson, Boston University, the John Coolidge Fellowship to support his PhD research, "'Army Tales Told While the Pot Boiled': The Civil War Vacation in Architecture and Landscape, 1880-1910," and Peter Michael Levins, Brown University, the Robert Rettig Fellowship to support his PhD research, "Maritime Modern: Technologies of Space in the Fascist Stato da Màr."
The (SEav福利社) announced that Mary Fesak of Charleston received its inaugural Graduate Student Research Fellowship. The $1,000 fellowship will fund field research for her master’s thesis in Historic Preservation at Clemson University and the College of Charleston. Ms. Fesak’s thesis will study early-to-mid-twentieth century equine landscapes in South Carolina, with a focus on thoroughbred horserace barns and an analysis of the use of spaces by class, race, and gender.
Now in its fifth year, the by Docomomo US celebrate the documentation, preservation and re-use of modern buildings, structures and landscapes built in the United States or on U.S. territory. The Awards recognize those building owners, design teams, advocacy and preservation organizations that have made significant efforts to retain, restore and advocate for the aesthetic and cultural value of such places.
Deadline for nominations is March 2, 2018. (SHERA) is a partner organization of av福利社, and an affiliate organization of CAA and ASEEES; elected Board Officers are Eva Forgacs, President; Karen Kettering, Vice-President / President Elect; Alice Isabella Sullivan, Secretary / Treasurer; Yelena Kalinsky, Listserv Administrator; Corina L. Apostol, News Editor; and Anna P. Sokolina, SHERA-av福利社 Liaison. During recent elections, SHERA reelected Members-at-Large Hanna Chuchvaha, Nic Iljine, Natalia Kolodzei, and Andrey Shabanov. |
av福利社 Career Center Visit the to view the jobs below or to purchase and post a job announcement
University of Chicago - Historian of the Built Environment
City University of New York - Research Associate (Post-Doctoral Fellow)
The Pennsylvania State University - Department Head and Professor of Art History
American Council of Learned Societies - Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows Program |
av福利社 in the News - VoyageChicago, January 30, 2018 |
Members in the News |
av福利社 February Booklist Read the Booklist of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library. |
New av福利社 Members av福利社 welcomes our newest members: Stephanie Atwood Hatzenbuhler, Renee Barnes ,Kevin M. Berry, Susan Bierer, Pete Blum, Molly Briggs, Virginia Burt, Mark Ferguson, Ann ffolliott, Santiago Gala, Addie Gordon, Katie Haun-Schuring, Adina Hempel, Corinne Hoge, John Hopkins ,Gabrielle Horner, Natalie Jacobs, Maggie Jones, Greg Mathis, Sara Menegus, Paul Miller, Raj Patel, Garneth Peterson, Andrea Pizza, Thomas Reinhart, Kathy Rice, Leila Saboori, Matthew Seltzer, Laura Sollmann, Courtney Stoll, Martina Tanga, John Terry, and Kristen Zschomler. |