
March 2018 Newsletter

Mar 14, 2018 by av福利社 News

March 2018 Volume LXII, No. 3 / Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
  av福利社/Mellon Author Awards
The Society of Architectural Historians is accepting applications for the 2018 av福利社/Mellon Author Awards. These awards are designed to provide financial assistance to scholars who are publishing their first monograph on the history of the built environment and who are responsible for paying for rights and permissions for images.

Endicott    Launch of av福利社 Architects Council
The Society will launch its new Architects Council at the av福利社 2018 Saint Paul conference. The av福利社 Architects Council is a small, select group of designers charged with exploring ways for av福利社 to deepen its relationship and service to the broad community of contemporary architects. This year’s Inaugural Council members will participate in a panel discussion focusing on the theme of the making, management, and preservation of architectural archives.

Mississippi River    av福利社 Saint Paul Seminar
Over the past several decades, river cities throughout the world have faced the challenge of reconceiving and reconnecting with their postindustrial riverfronts. "Confluences: Place, Change, and Meaning on the Mississippi" will focus on the rapidly changing postindustrial landscapes along the Twin Cities Mississippi River Corridor. Open to the public.

BUS AK    Buildings of Arkansas Available Now
From Fayetteville, Little Rock, and Hot Springs to Jonesboro, El Dorado, Arkadelphia, Texarkana, and scores of places in between, the latest volume in the Buildings of the United States series provides the most comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date guide to the architecture of Arkansas.

    Buildings of New Orleans Book Talks
Authors Karen Kingsley and Lake Douglas will give two presentations on their just-published Buildings of New Orleans, the second city guide to appear in the Society of Architectural Historians’ prize-winning Buildings of the United States series.

TourMIA    av福利社 American Architecture & Landscape Field Trip Reports
In 2016, av福利社 awarded an American Architecture and Landscape Field Trip Program grant to the School of Architecture at Florida International University (FIU) for its TourMIA program, and in late 2017 av福利社 made an award to the Piedmont Housing Alliance for its Friendship Court Youth Leadership in Community Design DC Field Trip program.

Jav福利社    Jav福利社 March Issue Available Now
av福利社 is pleased to announce the release of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 77, No. 1, March 2018 issue. av福利社 members can access full articles by first logging on to the av福利社 website and then visiting the Jav福利社 Online webpage under the Publications and Research tab.

airport    av福利社ARA Highlights: Planes, Trains and Automobiles
The Golden Age of Travel may have passed, or it may still be in our future. This selection of images from av福利社ARA opens the debate, as there is glorious architecture related to travel from all eras. After you’ve pondered this question, please consider adding your own images to av福利社ARA!

MD    av福利社 Archipedia: Maryland's 100 Classic Buildings Completed
av福利社 is pleased to announce the completion of Maryland's 100 Classic Buildings on av福利社 Archipedia. State coordinators Lisa P. Davidson and Catherine C. Lavoie, along with other authors, have contributed entries for 100 of the state's most representative buildings and sites.

St Peter's Square    Crowds and the Architectural Monuments of Italy
By ‘Deyemi Akande, 2016 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellow
All through my fellowship travels, one major challenge persists, one that I have done fairly well to conceal in my photographs—crowds. Nowhere more in Europe than in Italy did I experience the sheer weight of tourism as manifested in numbers. 


av福利社 2018 Saint Paul Conference Tours
The Society will present tours that showcase the distinctive architecture and landscapes of the Twin Cities during the av福利社 71st Annual International Conference in Saint Paul, April 18–22, 2018. Local historians, architects, preservationists, and heritage professionals will lead the conference’s tours. All tours are open to the public and qualify for AIA CES learning units. Register now for the following tours:
  • - Wed, Apr 18
  • - Thu, Apr 19
  • - Sat, Apr 20
  • - Sat, Apr 20
  • - Sat, Apr 21
  • - Sat, Apr 21
  • - Sun, Apr 22 (multiple times)
  • - Sun, Apr 22
  • - Sun, Apr 22
  • - Sun, Apr 22
  • - Sun, Apr 22
  • - Sun, Apr 22
  • - Sun, Apr 22
Current av福利社 Opportunities
: The Society seeks volunteers to assist with running the av福利社 71st Annual Conference in Saint Paul, April 18-22, 2018. Those who have registered for the conference and complete six (6) or more volunteer hours are eligible to receive a 50% rebate off their registration fee after the meeting. There is no minimum time commitment required to volunteer. 

: In partnership with GAHTC, av福利社 is offering Research-to-Teaching Grants and Field Seminar Travel Grants. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. 

: This program funds architecture and landscape field trips for underserved students in grades 3 through high school. Application deadline June 1.
av福利社 Chapter & Partner News
The Minnesota Chapter (MNav福利社) is very busy with preparations for the international meeting to be held here in the Twin Cities in mid-April. Frankly, we dazzle ourselves with the plans that are being made. The Super Bowl was just a warm-up drill for what’s coming next. See you in April!
av福利社 Career Center
Visit the to view the jobs below or to purchase and post a job announcement

University of Oregon - Visiting Professor
The Trustees, The Crane Estate - Engagement Manager
HABS/HAER/HALS - Architectural Historians, Architects, and Landscape Architects (Student Summer Employment)
av福利社 in the News
- Glessner House Museum (March 8, 2018)
- Business Insider (March 9, 2018)
Members in the News

av福利社 March Booklist
Read the of recently published architecture books and related works. are selected by Barbara Opar, architecture librarian, Syracuse University Library.
New av福利社 Members
av福利社 welcomes our newest members: Mina Adsit, Deepthi Bathala, Emily Bernin, Christine Boulware, Mimi Cheng, David Cline, Rebekah Coffman, Ousman Dampha, Jr., Mary Beth Derrick, Leila M. Farah,  Jessie Fontana-Maisel, Bob Frame, Emily Ganzel, Shreya Ghoshal, Johnathan Hardy, Katherine Hill, Aura Maria Jaramillo, Lannie Kittrell, Alice Larsson, Liane Lefaivre, Kacie Lucchini, Andreh Marouti, Renata Matos, Stephen Moore, Sasson Rafailov, Sheri Ross, Tracy Schwartz, Ben Shelton, A. Graham Sones, Cheri Szcodronski, Nancy Tracy, Emily Tucker-Laird, Jennifer Tworzyanski, Miranda Van Vleet, Megan Wiginton, Laurence F. Wilson, Yue Wu, John Yust, and Hendrik Ziegler.