
Stuart Cohen, FAIA Receives ICAA Award

May 9, 2018 by av福利社 News
Established in 1982 by Classical America advocate, Arthur Ross (1910–2007), and its president, Henry Hope Reed (1916–2013), the Arthur Ross Awards were created to recognize and celebrate excellence in the classical tradition. From the beginning, the awards have recognized the achievements and contributions of architects, painters, sculptors, artisans, landscape designers, educators, publishers, patrons, and others dedicated to preserving and advancing the classical tradition. 
Past honorees for architecture have ranged from well-known practitioners such as Allan Greenberg, Peter Pennoyer Architects, and Quinlan Terry, to lesser known but no less accomplished ones such as A. Hayes Town and Harold H. Fisher. The awards have also recognized excellence in the work of artisans such as Historical Arts and Casting and Decorators Supply Company, painters such as Richard Piccolo and Edward Schmidt, sculptors such as Frederick Hart and Alexander Stoddart, and patrons such as Chauncey Stillman, the Citizens of Greater Kansas City, and H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. 
The awardees are chosen each year by a selection committee made up of members of the ICAA Board of Directors, Advisory Council, Fellows, and distinguished members of related professions.   

Stuart E. Cohen FAIA of Cohen-Hacker Architects, Evanston, IL will be awarded the Arthur Ross Award for History and Writing, which was awarded on Monday,  May 7, 2018 in New York, NY.  Stuart is the author of several books, including Howard Van Doren Shaw and Great Houses of Chicago.  He has been a member of av福利社 since 2003.